Complete the game defeating Ganondorf.
All Abilities
Complete the game defeating Ganondorf after obtaining Recall, Fuse, Ultrahand, Ascend, Camera and Autobuild.
All Geoglyph
Complete the game defeating Ganondorf after getting the memories of all 12 geoglyphs.
All Dungeons
Complete the game defeating Ganondorf after beating all 5 temples + hyrule’s castle.
True Ending
Complete the game defeating Ganondorf after beating all 5 temples + hyrule’s castle and getting all 18 memories.
All Bosses + Minibosses
Complete the game defeating Ganondorf after defeating all main game bosses and minibosses (All Master Kohga encounters, 4 Molduga, 13 Stalnox, 25 Flux Construct, 27 Frox, 63 Talus, 13 Gleeok, 38 Hinox, all Phantom Ganons and all bosses from temples and their encounters again in the depths).
All Abilities
All Geoglyph
All Dungeons
True Ending
All Bosses + Minibosses
Hitless Rules for Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
General Rules
- If you play on switch, BEFORE starting the run, show the console’s home menu and game title screen.
- Yuzu is the only allowed emulator. Every emulated run that isn’t played on Yuzu WON’T BE valid.
- If you play on Yuzu, show the game’s PROPERTIES window, Add-Ons section (right click on the game -> Properties).
- Mods AREN’T ALLOWED, including visual mods.
- Parry with the shield.
- Whistle sprinting alternatives (throwing sprinting, bow sprinting…)
- Loading a save is only allowed when doing runs in various sessions. In that case, at the end of a session you MUST save in a city or a stable, ONLY one of those sites. You must show the inventory and leave the game. At the start of the next session, you must load that save and show the inventory, which must match the inventory at the end of the previous session.
- On “Weapon Only” runs, damage must be dealt with the chosen weapon and Rauru’s arm abilities. Bows can be used as tools, but never can deal damage if the chosen weapon is melee. Parries with the shield are allowed. Mount damage is allowed.
Not Allowed
- Major glitches: item duping, fall damage cancel.
- Sequence breaking events aren’t allowed.
- Falling damage cancel isn’t allowed using glitches.
- Killing bosses from out of the arena isn’t allowed.
- Teleport isn’t allowed if an enemy is aggroed, to avoid death from falling or to avoid falling into water or mud, lava, voiding or getting lost in the Lost Woods.
- Amiibos aren’t allowed.
- Quit-outs aren’t allowed to respawn zonai devices.
Is A Hit
- Received damage from a trap activated by you.
- Death from fall damage. (Getting at Game Over screen).
- Block an enemy attack with the shield.
- Any damage or stagger produced by an enemy or wildlife directly or indirectly, being alive or dead (Indirect damage example: An electric keese corpse gets striked by lightning before disappearing and it causes damage to Link. Another example: You activate Yunobo by mistake, he shoots towards Chuchu’s jelly and it explodes, hurting you).
- Taming a horse and running out of stamina, making the horse throwing you to the ground.
- The horse getting startled by enemies and dismounting you counts as a hit. Getting dismounted by using all stamina also counts.
- Mounting a walrus without shield which will make you fall to the ground.
- Any damage or stagger caused by neutral NPCs.
- Drowning in water or mud, falling in lava, voiding or getting lost at the Lost Woods.
- Getting struck by thunder if you have a conductive element equiped.
- Damage caused by animated elements such as boxes, rocks, spikes, balls with spikes, laser beams, electrified objects.
- Any hit received by a mount (horse, walrus…) while Link is mounted. It is considered that Link is mounted when movement controls appear on the HUD.
- Blocking an attack with the water shield given by Sidon.
Is Not A Hit
- Getting struck by thunder while Link doesn’t have any conductive element equipped (RNG thunder).
- Burn produced by fire which isn’t generated by an enemy (torches, bonfires…).
- Damage dealt by frozen water.
- Falling damage.
- Self-inflicted damage.
- Ragdoll animations which aren’t caused by enemies, NPCs or wildlife don’t count as a hit. Specifically, the ragdoll animation caused by the shield breaking while shield surfing isn’t considered as a hit even if you receive damage.
- Damage produced by too hot or too cold temperatures are considered environmental damage.
- Losing a hearth because of gloom.
- Losing a hearth from the secondary effect of Ganon’s weapons.
Skipping intro in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Starting August 16th, it is allowed to load the game after the initial cinematic for TLOZ: Tears of the Kingdom runs. With the approval of TH mod team, the Zelda verifiers have decided that there isn’t really any risk at the beginning of the run, and the unskippable cinematic is not really relevant for the development of the run besides cutting out almost 7 minutes where nothing happens. You will have to start the run before looting the sword, just like it’s shown in the image below.

HUD Rules for Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Hearts
- Buff timer
- In shops you need to keep clear top right of the HUD to see the Rupees

Verifier for Zelda TOTK


