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Good Ending

Beat the game on new game without taking any damage, getting the good ending of the game.

Bad Ending

Beat the game without taking any hits, getting the bad ending of the game.

UFO Ending

Beat the game without taking any hits, getting the UFO ending.

All Acolades

Beat the game without taking any hits, multiple times in a row to get All the Acolades.

Good Ending
Bad Ending
UFO Ending
All Acolades

Hitless Rules for Silent Hill: Origins

General Rules

– Any kind of damage count as a HIT.
– Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
– You may make saves in the event of a crash but ONLY if the run is streamed.
– Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is REJECTED.
– Run done offstream MUST BE single segmented (No Save).
– Major Glitches are forbidden.
– Out of bounds is forbidden.
– Only skin mods are allowed.
– Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
– FPS Settings may NOT BE changed during the run

Specific Rules For Silent Hill Origins:
  • Getting staggered by the fire in the burning house count as a HIT.
  • All Grabs count as a HIT.
  • Using HD and 60fps fix mod for the PS2 emulator are allowed.
  • It is recommended to run on the PSP version, because you can increase the brightness natively and the games runs faster.
  • If the melee weapon gets destroyed Travis will get staggered, that does not count as a HIT.
  • Since one of the final boss‘ attack is completely RNG (the meteor attack), it is ALLOWED to settle a macro command (The propper command would be auto-run activated in order to pause and unpause the game while running to see the uncomming meteors in the ground and gaining time reaction to dodge them).
  • For Bad Ending and UFO ending the usage of NG+ weapons are not allowed, if you use ng+ weapons the run will automatically considered a NG+ and wont be worth of a World First.
  •  No Damage and No Hit are completely separated categories, this should not be confused since they are different runs. No damage implies that the life bar does not drop below 100% at any point in the game and no hit implies other characteristics that are explained above.
No Damage Rules:
  • Nurse, Straight-Jacket, The Butcher, Ariel and Two Back grabs does not count as damage as long as you don’t miss the Quick Time Events.
  • Getting staggered by the fire in the burning house does not count as damage.
  • Getting staggered by the melee weapon being destroyed does not count as damage.
  • Since this game allows you to heal even when you are 100% HP the best way to know if you get damaged or not it’s by watching in your menu the green section if that changes it means you get damaged.
  • there’s no instances of 1HP damage in this game.

HUD Rules for Silent Hill: Origins

To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.

  • Status/Inventory

Submit a Run

You finished your first No Hit Run in Silent Hill: Origins? Click on the “Submit” button for more information to get into the team!

Verifier for Silent Hill: Origins



