Beat the game on Hard or Heavy Mode without taking any damage.
Beat the game on Hard or Heavy Mode without taking any damage also Nemesis must be defeated for each encounter in which an item is dropped (all fights, except on the train with Mikhail and Carlos in the clock tower).
All Bosses
Beat the game on Hard or Heavy Mode without taking any damage with All Nemesis encounters (including the Train Fight and Carlos at Clock Tower), Both Grave Digger fights (before the train and the park), Nicholai’s helicopter fight and Final Nemesis with the animation with the Magnum.
The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal
Beat The Mercenaries without taking any damage
CarcinogenSDA MattDaRoc Aether SoulSignal ARESaurio TheLittleSister LivingDisaster nitekastguitar MrPropper169 UkuleleAversion Shinypockets Mickanplays SnookyShogun Lightstream LanceLM JosephStixDavis Garox M0rvious Gonta2319 Billy bezileon DeathNoDamage 404runnotfound Mcr5015 LaDyV3nUS TheMancunianNightmare UncleLander HenryzCat Kevinm4765 PiddeSkiller Klingendinger
All Bosses
Rules for Resident Evil 3 Classic
General Rules
– Runs have to be NO DAMAGE.
– Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
– You may make saves in the event of a crash but ONLY if the run is streamed.
– Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is NOT ALLOWED.
– To enter the Resident Evil leaderboards, please read the SPECIFIC RULES on the following page. click here
– Run done offstream MUST BE single segment (No Saves at all).
– Major Glitches ARE FORBIDDEN.
– Out of bounds IS FORBIDDEN.
– Only skin mods ARE ALLOWED.
– Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
– Using SRT tool is allowed and helps the verifiers checking your run.
– If SRT it‘s not being used to show HP or playing on console, if you take a potentially damaging stun, open inventory to show HP.
Specific Rules:
– Getting sttagered by gravedigger in the park when you are about to kill it DOES NOT COUNT as Damage.
– Getting sttagered by the steam in the laboratory DOES NOT COUNT as Damage.
– Little spiders sttagers counts as 1 damage.
– GL Tool is ALLOWED
– Runs on the PC Version of the game are ALLOWED.
– Runs on Original Consoles (PS, GCN, DC, N64, etc.) are ALLOWED.
– For Emulator runs is ALLOWED Duckstation and Dolphin.
– Enable “Favorable RNG” and “Tactical Reload” for the PC version of the game it’s NOT ALLOWED. For more info click here.
– for NG runs it’s NOT ALLOWED to use infinite weapons and unlocked items that give advantage.
– NG+ category are ALLOWED but it should be specified in the submission.
– Mercenaries mode can be completed with any character, you cant get any rank.
– Both NG+ and Mercenaries are not valid to officially join the team, but team members can submit these runs for the website.
Verifier for Resident Evil 3




