Reaching the end credits of the game.
This means beating the Ender Dragon and crossing the End exit portal to trigger credits.
All Bosses
Beating all the game bosses: Ender Dragon, Wither Boss, Elder Guardian.
All Main Enemies
Beating all the game bosses plus 2 big enemies: Ender Dragon, Wither Boss, Elder Guardian, Raid, Warden.
Hitless Rules for Minecraft
General Rules
- The run begins with the world generation screen and ends with the credits screen after defeating the Ender Dragon. In other categories like All Bosses, it concludes after defeating the last boss, but passing through the end credits is mandatory.
- World must be created on a random seed (that means leaving the seed textbox empty) and without modifying its game rules.
- World must be initiated in Hardcore difficulty and should not be opened in LAN mode at any time.
- Upon completing a run, it is highly recommended to display the complete statistics, i.e., the three tabs of statistics from top to bottom, and execute the commands /seed and /datapack list to verify the legitimacy of the run.
- If possible, do not delete any game files until the run is verified in case something is needed.
- The use of any in-game mechanics is allowed, including any potion effects, shields, exploits like turning villagers into zombies, creating farms, cheesing bosses, etc..
- Texture packs are allowed as long as they do not provide a clear advantage to the player (highlighted ores, x-ray, removing the pumpkin overlay, transparent inventory, invisible/transparent items). Purely aesthetic changes are allowed.
- Modifying gamma beyond the limits set by the game itself is not allowed as it disrupts the Vanilla experience.
- The use of performance-enhancing mods is allowed, but not those that give an advantage to the player (x-ray, minimap, waypoints, etc.).
- The usage of Stronghold calculators, chunkbase, or others is not allowed for tracking or finding structures/biomes, in-game methods are available for these tasks.
- The use of commands, hacks, or cheats is not allowed.
- The allowed versions are official releases from 1.0 onwards, this doesn‘t include snapshots, prereleases, release candidates or April Fools updates.
Hitless Rules
The following count as a hit:
- Any loss of health caused by an enemy.
- Blocking with a shield.
- Fire damage that is generated by an enemy (such as blaze or ghast, for example).
- Damage from TNT and ender crystals.
- Potion effects received from enemies (mainly Witches).
- Structure traps are considered hits.
The following DO NOT count as a hit:
- Blaze projectiles that “impact” the player while carrying a fire resistance potion effect are NOT considered hits.
- Fall damage, fire damage generated naturally, suffocation, drowning, lava, etc., count as environmental damage and are NOT considered hits.
- Using Enderman pearls is not a hit.
- Explosions from beds or respawn anchors intentionally placed by the player.
- Mining Fatigue from the Elder Guardians, and Bad Omen.
Damageless Rules
- Any loss of HP counts as damage.
- Shield blocking is allowed.
Hitless+Damageless Rules
- Both of the hitless and damageless rules apply.
Modded Runs
- Unstable versions of the game such as snapshots or April Fools updates will fall into this category.
- For adding mods or datapacks, you can suggest them in the discord and verifiers will take it into consideration.
Quitout Rules
- When in multi-part runs, stick to Team Hitless quitout rules and show entire inventory and statistics both upon exiting and entering back in the world.
- The quitout must be performed on a safe zone: not having any enemy aggro and no hostile enemies within a 16 block radius. For example: a hostile enemy could be a hoglin or piglin brute; a non-hostile could be a non-aggroed piglin (while wearing gold armor).
- A single quitout is allowed after breaking a mob spawner and the debug pie-chart not updating. This quitout must follow the rules explained earlier.
HUD Recommendations for Minecraft
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the HUD elements marked up in gold on the reference image below. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation.
- Hotbar
- Offhand
- Health bar
- XP bar
- Hunger bar
- Armor bar
- Inventory

Verifiers for Minecraft
