Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game with Shura ending
Immortal Severance
Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game with Immortal Severance ending
Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game with Purification ending
Whatever bosses are needed and “Frozen Tears” item to reach the end credits of the game with Return ending
All Memories
Defeat all bosses that give you a Memory in the base game
All Beads & Memories
Defeat all bosses that give you a Memory in the base game and collect all Beads (40 units)
All Bosses & Minibosses
Defeat all bosses and minibosses in the base game
Mortal Journey
Defeat all bosses in Gauntlet of Strength: Mortal Journey
All Memories + Gauntlets
Defeat all bosses that give you a Memory and beat the 3 base Gauntlets of Strength (Severance, Divine Heir, and Shura) in a save file.
All Bosses & Minibosses + Gauntlets
Defeat all bosses and minibosses and beat the 3 base Gauntlets of Strength (Severance, Divine Heir, and Shura) in a save file.
All achievements
Collect all achievements in a single save file according to this
Shura Ending
The_Happy_Hob GinoMachino Xenosum Kazoodle charlybitmey klampscast NeXuRyZz MiaouBanane yopherie WayOfLoci DobbYSama FreelancerAlaska SubIime ThePowerHour Benjaminoo_ Meticulus perpetualrezurrection folanRK BountyIsBest BolloStream DrakeWR AntAskew TheRada Catalists KineticConundrum MaxtiPlays broussbrouss tobi_eat_world LokMae CrescenTune_ TuleMM Ehyvriel Chusommontero SnatDVD iplosly BushidoYu H_naje ashenogre D_t3nza23 Kelssiier JuanLig onismm tranquirikki yepJames Sergiodelbetis IamMaarc HeatherIsYellow Karolosu ainrun tarryxtermo Zirob21 BR1GHTMARES massofpie Marcbeth13 ilWolfee Sir_Harmony sefirot10 Yisusstat yungp0len Monchburg Solrot ShadowAhiru fanexpressds FoxyZilla54 ryoori feronce beyondthehope DanielloPiuBello x00vongola00x Hughey croacx Ssergi95 Jonnpe Yeruka Hitohugs eldoryy SrFluffy xz09 YackNights xbirds_ Chirripitongos aimar MarkuzDS postponedfor22 Peretz JustSascha Rapho LudumPost AvegaX CosmicBorne SaturnVII Montxaldre Arumat Holy_Wakamouly alejandro96b mmult_ Oxeli1 kolucas3 Borjuto inthorinrain f0v_ufjfjf KatanaSouls Anders092 Titoman Lauraserky Saya_Nk Alexelcapo LenyadorSueco lursias Amaishe disabled_dogs Jmartinacu Chikitopencaso el_DaniSaurio Thalant_ zilverzzz corbekun dinossindgeil LeBastinazo futurrinco Frybeat Pabloherresp Suay Neimex23 Horu Piqueras95 Den100Schm VortisNeker demaJ Christianhm97 Zexax00 TcKay WillOWisp brincacequias Chris Imapi NewBoxiest CZy4Rn1 jonny_sasaki Imposion Arkham PutoPauxD Megaupgeorge17 Akkarin Griloc Bajamuten JuanJack elninjaornitorrinco robvi_ Erbuleria teyne KQM LinkDarkar Catarino_Jovial Leugitimo El_Reka Lesval Cursedwind Pakira Er Thinbo byemma2607 iLuTVLIVE Ngellog roiqd03 Cyberiety atrece Rak0te Hisoka_TheAbyssWatcher Baryon23 weedlordgaben Selectly Adrin Markish_00 Rinzlerain pay_ AveriJ97 Euqor97 Facundo Gilli Zefod42 sojasubi MrRuy0 Slash15_ diegosb01 ElChusky XxOmegamonxX Kuro Grothavin Elecudo estoespajugar v3he Migueltxou9 Wolfang Lesli el Tranza Jackash13h xCLoOWnZ Lukeeloki PersonManMan godemago MasaShow leanS zNahue Roachieeeeeee Wumb_ rrff666 Mosquercito Blanky Mianga DeimianSan monchur0 Raziel_96 Yes Helion1ero Tom Ramonchi_5 MarquisioG TetaWeca Briffnstein ItsDaniy BrugarBB ChiakiPlay_ ivanelrome Shurne Sillxex mrnobody990 Hugo_2025 albertitotf Rokemi ShikiKitsune Tomno09 thefaceoftruth Davmelon Chofitet Pirunchilo Domivat24 Capde TwelfthEnd StunnyDay Serpentyle LoquendoLopez Sirigath Shilkey10 WBRSouls Helion 1ero Doutor Ganchiños Dserena Zyerg DiieVil theyucmar mfreak00 Kaikakuboy Neocofias1258 Loren Dev huevito_manolito Ayzzeta He4vygus N3oxX GoldVortex GlitchLiz Krobbe Snowy Kronborgen KemeKemo Lyd LeonoManco Kurgo Pippo Noex Mesado55 qcom Gweebeee artorias_t thisnico_ ercarlo arctiics Mickanplays Mvrelgrande EmberMTZ Locopc Muguxtv ElmaisGB Lumos Japospartaco DandyJordan Hellfire753 Reclaymer Aspod92 aDonutIRL DiegoOfLoyce LMXTalos Yashaou oskkar DtinsT diegotorro Arelux Pery Fakindome GoodMFM Victor DeadandDoom iRenck Samuel_Pincel Txustra Lamiche BanjoTheUncle ChecheKamikaze n00tbag Mr Turr BobbiMonsta Galvarn_ Lecentz Phetri Naserio Sassy Bob Pedro B Inmortan Chemita_1001 Kallen2g LinkElegido RICAR TheKnightNox MrPedroIV Alehandro98 The_Shirou Shailord IkerrDp Theshitpostexperience El wiwi jtayre gongstor11 Ruma_JPC i_ate_The_Dream Popletox Markimario_ Zako94 Verse Weltmeister Wizardly iStefaan SPaltoco1 7longbingbong Montybale Hugolink Pascual Almela Ivanpotato Morethna Imk Senpai alexample_rdp ErlisEcke Josito Gaucho Davile_12 SovereignsGreed Patavodka Zott_ Follacamiones24 Yayo dermun17 0jerzy0 alse_sino Ysu_usy Honster6 Ki11ahB elguerscrolls alv4ro impassiveblue UrtziGG gunjou1213 Lightstream Mitchriz Unsourced BilboTiVi Recycle Scrach Omil Limix jonsuxd BigThonkk KeroDelta Reliktt_ Arpelanza Hyzoor Passwordz_ Seleria Kalionos Unaxiri Ruy Neromance Juicygibs TetGuerra paulsansil CerberusHDC KayZit L1ghtfury_bae Fary NevereMind lars_i kelabukelala Ayuken mr_dr_raven Me7aTate Tombo arsole41 Dante8 Rabeirou YohRen crisisdeansieda CerumenJohnson Skybreaker6 Rhaltzar pablospren Eduardo 👍🏻 Mortymo Fran Aldosa_ Polomolo2k extez Goticomaster THDonny JohnnyMellabbo EinwegSkilla EthoricieN Megu_fan Gimme_Dopamine Guracho chof16 Fede.apo BBQCh1ps TheKelbertShow Suicide_Chef pablopumi1 EroSenninGod MydnyteEternal Zenith diablo140_ tomazingerz steakistgeil a_k_z7 Moncho PicoBrained KuchoDogg Esco LarsingDash Daymooner Ismael fcojavier_10 RigelM13 ArcherThe fobia Pandimon DANTE_Zai Cloudi SCI 냐하 PainofWar PatoDiego well_thatsucks Jungle Akkaza Javierkum Ryuma SrFluffy Savio Zeami NotButler_ soyAgiraru GonnaKillua Gyobum No Hit Zone djurii Deirexe Quin Gloomshadows Constantine Wormdog DeChillGames Squirrel Van TyranosaurusBrett mastapeet MSmithTW dain_sounds KidNamedFinger skinnylegend95 subterra97 VaultWarrior TrogdorMiau MayuRiedel Sirhaddock PepinoKamikaze soulsenjoyer420 Suprnovaz Zzala NoHiTPROKILL3R Nuke San Halphonsetto Primudeus verkehrs1nsel Herkem Viiceetee daruma013 BanjoBunny Pakou Lydless smoker_spectre ProfOrProf Natspresso Ryzing Rayo LucyDoozy Osifailo Envyon ZaWii SrPechu Vomit Sassasallalla23 k14brb slamphee Visuljkoo Ari03a Overduue Carlosito2609 Sastre_Taciturno Drakeluuh palax tresplantas g0ldstripes pablomotos77 Garfunken KEMIST Gonzalo AsLe IvanCg04 SAIKEN723 Quesoduro TsukiSoft kucielgod Emrye NC Nito Oscar Of Astora 이수민 Sobo wawly YamiLostSoul AurelienTSR XANTI TaticaDS Ismael.Barrera Aloha Pokmet Samu MNKZD 03 N1ghtz Marshaal FlipaTulipa Kurashai Kabeylereuf DANIELSM864 Romain83 AndyAlquimista Average Zeko alvarito9346 Chaoskiller kuboss123 hyuyu9122 Deadeyeeee KynderSlime Dolos6331 TotoTriceps MALNSFRIED Rubru94 Lalo HallKerXXII Idealdojang nepphi_ GBSett majeranek SkuLL Goopy Limmitd Jowel35 Jeanpooll Gamerinblade Jaime Dafinn78 duman187 AdalMr Gula xNashy cloaakrog Llamin meteoro8509 Teambersaw
Immortal Severance Ending
Squillakilla Kwitty23 DonnyRekt GinoMachino blueberrybrioche NOHITJEROME Seki Decis1ONn Xenosum ANJ___ DobbYSama ashenogre EdenIssue Nobody_Buddy Kazoodle AlliCocoa okayitsliz charlybitmey klampscast NeXuRyZz MiaouBanane yopherie zafer_alqatma spiral_out ThePowerHour Benjaminoo_ FreelancerAlaska x00vongola00x WayOfLoci TheRada d4MikeJones DrakeWR GraysonFlows The_Happpy_Hob BolloStream MajorTom928 AntAskew Catalists ganro12 LokMae iplosly TuleMM SnatDVD GlitchLiz yepJames massofpie Kelssiier D_t3nza23 Marcbeth13 Monchburg Karolosu IamMaarc ryoori ehyvriel DanielloPiuBello Pazos64 jeffbriant Vyper ShadowAhiru folanRK Holy_Wakamouly Ssergi95 yungp0len x00vongola00x Peretz H_Naje YackNights BushidoYu disabled_dogs Exeld Sergiodelbetis LeBastinazo Jmartinacu Thalant_ Chikitopencaso VortisNeker MarkuzDS Suay Imapi Yisusstat Yeruka Saya_Nk Neimex23 Enocguitar PutoPauxD sojasubi robvi_ bajamuten Imposion Rapho Er Thinbo Chirripitongos Lauraserky Amaishe Cyberiety Anders092 Rinzlerain pay_ Zefod42 Leugitimo InThorinRain jonny_sasaki Jonnpe Griloc EmmaOlalla Megaupgeorge17 Wolfang xz09 Blanky Facundo.Gilli Euqor97 Sillxex Teyne Barracuda godemago Jaalza shilkey10 Arkham SrFluffy Doutor Ganchiños Capde Cursedwind Jackash13h KQM LinkDarkar He4vygus MasaShow rrff666 fanexpressds Noex MydnyteEternal MrNoubari PersonManMan Dev Reclaymer Victor BrugarBB Serpentyle KemeKemo Erbuleria EmberMTZ ChecheKamikaze Samuel_Pincel Yashaou Gweebeee Pery Shailord Croacx albertitotf Nox Chemita_1001 monchur0 Wizardly Zott_ Verse Davmelon dermun17 Josito Gaucho follacamiones24 alv4ro Omil ElmaisGB elguerscrolls Pascual Almela Piqueras95 Kenji Morethna Neromance Reliktt_ i_ate_The_Dream Lesli El Tranza Ruma_JPC TetGuerra BortJr_ Kirisu_Mafuyu KappaVT BobbiMonsta leanS Fran Ngellog Gimme_Dopamine IkerrDp Tombo S4Gaming EthoricieN Fede.apo pablopumi1 Krobbe diablo Frybeat Goticomaster Savio ArcherThe TrogdorMiau Osman_iac Mickanplays JohnnyMellabbo extez KidNamedFinger Guracho paulsansil Eduardo👍🏻 Grothavin PainofWar Lecentz diegotorro Faster99 ErlisEcke Fary DeadandDoom Quin BanjoBunny RICAR Lydless Sassasallalla23 verkehrs1nsel k14brb artorias_t Suprnovaz Baryon23 Envyon Marshaal N1ghtz Vomit THDonny iStefaan Zzala hyuyu9122 SovereignsGreed Horu MALNSFRIED ari03a AetherealAlpaca Overduue
Purification Ending
Seki ashenogre MiaouBanane DobbYSama spiral_out FreelancerAlaska TheRada WayOfLoci DrakeWR NeXuRyZ Catalists LokMae iplosly Monchburg DanielloPiuBello IamMaarc YackNights Karolosu yepJames Jmartinacu Kelssiier Suay Bollostream VortisNeker Robvi_ Er Thinbo Saya_Nk sojasubi Bajamuten Peretz Zefod42 Wolfang Yisusstat Leugitimo Blanky Doutor Ganchiños Barracuda MrNoubari shilkey10 Jonnpe Yeruka Rapho He4vygus Dev Jackash13h Victor Yashaou Chechekamikaze croacx Samuel_pincel Megaupgeorge17 Albertitotf ShadowAhiru Verse Chemita_1001 MydnyteEternal Capde Omil Reliktt_ dermun17 follacamiones24 Ruma_JPC TetGuerra EthoricieN Zott_ KemeKemo Tombo Fede.apo diablo140 Goticomaster EmberMTZ 냐하 Savio Mickanplays Teyne alv4ro Fary Arkham RICAR Fran BrugarBB Piqueras95 Lydless KynderSlime Vomit Krobbe
Return Ending
spiral_out TheRada LokMae iplosly yepJames Karolosu IamMaarc Yisusstat DanielloPiuBello Kelssiier YackNights xbirds_ ShadowAhiru Monchburg BushidoYu Kolucas3 Jonnpe VortisNeker Suay MrNoubari Zefod42 Peretz WillOWisp___ Leugitimo Blanky Wolfang Megaupgeorge17 Doutor Ganchiños Rapho Arkham Yeruka Jackash13h He4vygus BrugarBB Victor Dev Croacx ChecheKamikaze Barracuda Yashaou Capde Noex Samuel_Pincel ElWekerekes monchur0 KemeKemo Verse Omil dermun17 follacamiones24 Griloc TetGuerra EthoricieN Josito Gaucho diablo140_ MydnyteEternal EmberMTZ Fary Fran Savio YamiLostSoul
All Memories
TheRada NeXuRyZz Catalists LokMae iplosly Monchburg xbirds_ iammaarc YackNights DanielloPiuBello Suay Bollostream folanRK x00vongola00x Saya_Nk robvi_ VortisNeker Peretz Leugitimo Sillxex Karolosu Wolfang Blanky Capde Shilkey10 Hannibalmick Barracuda Doutor Ganchiños He4vygus DeadandDoom PersonManMan Zefod42 Croacx Jackash13h Yashaou Jonnpe yepJames Victor Lecentz Phetri Kelssiier Wizardly Yeruka monchur0 Samuel_Pincel albertitotf Verse Omil Zott_ Exeld follacamiones24 dermun17 TetGuerra EthoricieN Dev aDonutIRL Reliktt_ Diablo140_ EmberMTZ Savio KemeKemo Fran Yohren Tombo Rapho Marshaal Quin Decis1ONN Sassasallalla23 BrugarBB
All Beads & Memories
All Bosses & Minibosses
spiral_out Seki TheRada xbirds_ ashenogre iplosly Catalists IamMaarc Suay Monchburg DanielloPiuBello Capde Peretz shilkey10 Sillxex VortisNeker He4vygus Blanky Dev Yashaou Anders092 croacx Victor Verse Wizardly Zott_ Phetri TetGuerra DeadandDoom Wolfang EthoricieN Doutor Ganchiños Decis1ONn Marshaal Tombo rEhT YohRen
Mortal Journey
All Memories + Gauntlets
All Enemies
Hitless Rules for Sekiro
General Rules:
- A Hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.
- Hits from player triggered traps count. Environmental damage does not count as such (Static features as water, swamp, campfires are fine).
- While fall damage does not count, a death from falling or resetting your position after a black out scene will.
- Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a deflect does not.
- Major glitches are not allowed (Airswim, Snake Skips, any out of bound skips).
- Minor glitches are allowed (Early access to Mist noble and Ashina Castle roof skips).
- Quitouts are not allowed except in situations where it is completely safe in the vicinity of an idol being without aggro (red) or attention (yellow) marks (Quitouts after killing Fake Monk or Owl (Father) to skip their dialogues are allowed since you are in the safety of an idol).
- Summon other players is forbidden, but NPC summons are allowed.
- Making use of NPCs are allowed.
- Killing bosses/ads from outside of the boss arena is not allowed.
Specific Rules for Sekiro:
- Staggers from phase transitions are hits.
- Gyoubu Oniwa and Demon of Hatred skips are not allowed.
- Deflections on Blazing Bull are not allowed and are considered hits due to tick damage.
- Lightning reversals that inflict damage on you count as a hit. Damage can be avoided by using Mist Raven or Sakura Dance (all lightning reversals on Divine Dragon also avoid damage).
- Armored Warrior and O’rin cheese are allowed.
- Armored Warrior’s berserk combo, which breaks your posture when you deflect it, doesn’t count as a hit.
- Great Shinobi Owl’s anti-heal bomb is not a hit.
- Great Shinobi Owl’s smoke bomb is a hit.
- Divine Dragon’s gust/wind attack is a hit (except for the first gust when entering the fight as it’s unavoidable).
- Juzou the Drunkard’s poison smoke stun is a hit.
- Yashariku’s Sugar counts as damage taken and is not allowed for “No Damage” runs.
- Mortal Journey is not valid to officially join the team, but team members can submit Mortal Journey runs for the website.
- Rules for Sword Only & Sword DMG only here.
- Hook grapple glitch in the tutorial is allowed.
- Every boss or miniboss must give their drop to be counted as killed.
Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:
- Runs have to start FROM its correlated run, for example: you only can start a Shura ng+ from a Shura ng, you can only start a IS ng+ from a IS ng and so on.
If you want to start a ng+2 or other ng+, you will have to start it from its correlated run previously. If you want to do a IS from a Shura, for example, you are welcome, but it won’t count as a different run, you can change runs upward, not downward. You cannot have only-obtainable skills, items or prosthetics from other categories like Dragon Flash or Yashariku Spiritfall for Shura.
- Runs will have to start with its previous and correlated AP and EXP limit, for example:
For Shura:
AP will be 7 (Fire Isshin is counted)
Exp will be level 31
For Immortal Severance:
AP will be 10 (there’s nothing counted as extra like Apes, Lady, etc)
Exp will be level 41
For All Memories:
AP will be 14
Exp will be level 46
For ABMB and beyond:
AP will be 14
Exp will be at your choice
If you want to start a ng+2 or other ng+, you will have to start it from its correlated run previously upgrading your AP the same amount that you did from ng to ng+, but in this case, feel free about EXP in any category.
You cannot have any remain memories to redeem from the previous ng.
You have to show the AP that you have and the EXP level before starting the ng+ journey. You can spend your EXP levels before starting the ng+.
- About consumables, you can have a free amount of all of them in any case.
Keep in mind that in Shura you cannot have Yashariku Spiritfall since you have to start from a previous Shura ng.
- You can use any number of prosthetics in any category (base AND upgraded, all of them).
- You can use Dragon Mask, but you cannot start with it, you will have to farm it.
- Sen can be infinite at the start
HUD Rules for Sekiro
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Boss Health
- Boss Posture
- Player Health and Buffs/Debuffs Icons
- Player Posture

Verifier for Sekiro






