Beat the game on Standard without taking any damage.
Hard Any%
Beat the game on Hardcore without taking any damage.
Pro Any%
Beat the game on Professional without taking any damage.
Extra Modes
Beat The Mercenaries or Separate Ways without taking any damage.
Hard Any%
Pro Any%
Rules for Resident Evil 4 REmake
General Rules
– Runs have to be NO DAMAGE.
– Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
– No NG+ items and similar stuff.
– Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is REJECTED.
– To enter the Resident Evil leaderboards, the run MUST BE single segmented (No Save).
– Run done offstream MUST BE single segmented (No Save).
– Major Glitches are forbidden.
– Out of bounds is forbidden.
– Only skin mods are allowed.
– Infinite ammo weapons forbidden.
– Loading autosaves is forbidden -> you have to restart.
– Purchasable DLC that gives an in-game advantage are banned. (skins are allowed)
– Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
– FPS Settings may NOT BE changed during the run.
– Runs like (true ending, all scenarios, all endings, etc) are considered multiruns, so they must follow the established Team Hitless rules (be streamed and not done offline)
– You can make saves at the end of the chapters BUT the entire run MUST BE STREAMED not done offline.
- If the game crashes, you have to reload your LAST save.
- If you take damage/hit, the run is OVER.
– Using SRT tool is allowed and helps the verifiers checking your run.
– If SRT it‘s not being used to show HP or playing on console, if you take a potentially damaging stun, open inventory to show HP.
Hitless Rules Resident Evil 4 Remake
– Stepping in a bear trap count as HIT.
– Being hit by a snake count as HIT.
– Blocking instead of Perfect Parrying an enemy attack count as HIT.
– Leon being grabbed by a Ganados and breaking free before the grab animation is initiated count as HIT.
– Ashley being struck and falling into incapacitated state count as HIT.
– Ashley being picked up do NOT count as HIT.
– Getting shoved by a Ganados do NOT count as HIT.
– Enemies staggering Leon when he is attempting to vault a window/climb a ladder count as HIT.
– Leon being staggered by a fire source but not taking fire damage do NOT count as HIT.
– Leon being knocked prone by bosses (Verdugo emerging from a wall/Saddler jumping on Leon’s head) count as HIT..
– Recently decapitated/toppled Ganados running/bumping into Leon does NOT count as HIT.
– Bladed Plaga’s minor blades hitting Leon or Mouth Plaga’s staggering Leon with leap BUT not inflicting damage does NOT count as HIT.
– Blocking against Krauser during his scripted knife fight does NOT count as HIT.
– Enemies that fall and stun Leon as a result of him attacking them do NOT count as HIT.
– Parrying an attack that warrants an on-screen parry prompt (Chainsaw Parry, Mendez phase 1 parry, Mouth plaga parry) do NOT count as HIT.
– Leon being staggered by an enemy explosion (Catapult, dynamite thrower) count as HIT.
– Colliding with trash but not suffering damage in the Jetski segment do NOT count as HIT.
– Auto staggers (any stagger caused by your weapons such as grenades, etc.) do NOT count as HIT.
Specific Rules for Resident Evil 4 Remake
– FPS MUST BE capped at or below 120fps.
– FPS NEEDS to be displayed during the run (You can activate this in “Steam > Settings > in-game > in game FPS counter).
– FPS swapping during a run is banned EXCEPT during Del Lago Fight.
– Body Armor is ALLOWED for No Damage Runs.
– Auto Save Clips, Merchant Clips, Door Clips, and Sniper Clips are NOT allowed.
– Shooting locks through doors is ALLOWED.
– Early Goat Head in Grand Hall is ALLOWED.
– Gate Skips in Chapter 8 are ALLOWED.
– Both island turret skips are ALLOWED.
– Extra Treasure Map Treasures may NOT be used.
– All accessories that have an ability/advantage are NOT allowed, including the sunglasses.
– Attache Case Gold and Classic are NOT Allowed.
– Charms are NOT allowed. (Separate Ways allows charms as they can be bought from the merchant)
– Scripted grab from krauser chapter 11 does not count (both in No Damage and No Hit Runs). Click Here
– Health Loss from ANY vehicle (Minecart/Jetski/Boat) DOES COUNT as Damage.
– For The Mercenaries you need to achieve Rank S+ or S++ and you can play with any character and on any of the 3 stages.
– Extra modes are not valid to officially join the team, but team members can submit extra modes runs for the website.
– Separate Ways is valid for team entry
– Any form of SRT or game overlay is banned EXCEPT:
Specific Rules for Resident Evil 4 REmake Separate Ways
– Standard, Hardcore and Professional difficulties are allowed.
– Any stun suffered while atop a structure in El gigante‘s fight DOES count as a hit.
– Being stunned by the battery explosion in chapter 6 DOES count as a hit.
– As of the SW patch, chickens are now able to stun Leon and Ada this DOES NOT count as a hit.
– These last 3 rules are only for NO HIT runs, No Damage runs are only about not taking damage so these last 3 rules do not apply to no damage runs
HUD Rules for Resident Evil 4 REmake
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Status/Ammos/Ashley/Knife
- Pesetas/Spinels
- Minecart/Jetski/Boat
Verifier for Resident Evil 4

