Beat the game on Standard Difficulty on any scenario without taking any damage.
Hard Any%
Beat the game on Hardcore Difficulty on any scenario without taking any damage.
True Ending
Beat the game on Standard or Hardcore Difficulty starting Claire 1st then Leon 2nd or Leon 1st then Claire 2nd.
All Scenarios
Beat all scenarios back to back on Standard or Hardcore difficulty, in any order.
Extra Modes
Beat The 4th Survivor, Tofu Survivor (Flan, Konjac, Tofu, Uiro-Mochi or Annin Tofu), No Time to Mourn, Runaway, Forgotten Soldier or No Way Out without taking any damage.
NoNiQ Juanriplaygames Vicaria LokMae TheLittleSister Wolfangch Vichopapa TheProfessorCloud SnakeSocom The_PocketNinja PiddeSkiller UncleLander MasterDean30 originalsteven frismo2016 Garox Mickanplays mcr5015 LaDyV3nUS Invader_Vman DeathNoDamage ssserotonin mmcamel Doomstorm xSSSmokey No Hit Zone Goticomaster RespeedBr SirTriso Lichtrox thegreedypie
Hard Any%
CarcinogenSDA Aether The_Happy_Hob ARESaurio Kunifer Peretz DreamFullbuster NoNiQ TheMDof106 Marenwolf TheTrueZakker SyKo kolucas3 SoulSignal Kazoodle chusommontero LokMae Enelyate TheLittleSister Foforiel alvarito9346 jeffbriant byemma2607 Evil IKakun lilbiz61 chocoman98 jimmyomg Kyou MattDaRoc LudumPost LivingDisaster BR1GHTMARES Zafer_Alqatma Bueurro LeonhartKris CharasLove Albuxtron Borjuto v7das Truecrisel Lesval PotiPotencia Megaupgeorge17 DmC_Fabian Yopherie Vacheras Jamperator Joseangel_27ds Cursedwind ShinyPockets DACH606 miki_spock LoquendoLopez AnnKGames pageroxo Lefoide MrRuy0 Eloy_Maxi Jangelodcm Markish_00 22_puigdemont_22 BeyondTheHope visitacionalien crisisdeansieda robvi_ kilenn Thel ‘Chadumee Lightstream Noveek ApacheSmash backflippius DiegoOfLoyce Mickanplays Locopc MiniBeefBoy FI3RY JosephStixDavis Ren_Y_Punto BBQCh1ps AntiheroXIII Michailewic Wolfangch Possur Moncho EroSenninGod Ercamus ErlisEcke Z0ckerr12 DoctorBest85 TofuTripp Carigs XodaRapX Magilene weedlordgaben BySoraa_ grace_gamess RafaMustDie Snowy SnookyShogun Garox monchur0 Suicide_Chef Asrar Triskept n00tbag Toya Hachijo Lokplart YatintheHat DatboiiiGaming DrewStraight Crazygamingdayz NotoriousBase FreggelHousen The_PocketNinja manumesita Ellie Wolvenknight Br1ghtStyl3 Misero thegreedypie PiddeSkiller LarryCTM SnakeSocom hudlessWhorseman MasterDean30 Elmo PSPlay Erlopeh EricIsOnFire DeathNoDamage saurdion Jeyhan MasterDean30 Daruma013 Seleria LaDyV3nUS No Hit Zone Bernardo1212131 isaias AskEleven Lucylover xSSSmokey Childe_Stan MafiosoGamer UnforgivenPls S-Bak115 TheMindofGabs TRANCOS mjtrpe ghostmien JackLstSrn Bg Dap RespeedBr Katzeline Hazem THDonny FollowStrong mtn_camel NikoTesla Adhistem AurelienTSR Bê Billy Lichtrox Frismo2016 BotBandi LanceKillinVance CyEngine GunHogz Valeria Skroll
True Ending
All Scenarios
Extra Modes
Aether CarcinogenSDA MattDaRoc ARESaurio Cursedwind kolucas3 luizbinario TheLittleSister JosephStixDavis Lightstream Ren_Y_Punto Shinypockets Z0ckerr12 MarquisioG Triskept monchur0 NotoriousBase Wolvenknight jonnyrlonewolf PiddeSkiller Ercamus Daruma013 DatboiiiGaming Juanriplaygames Magilene FlipaTulipa Billy
Rules for Resident Evil 2 REmake
General Rules
– Runs have to be NO DAMAGE.
– Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
– You may make saves in the event of a crash but ONLY if the run is streamed.
– Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is NOT ALLOWED.
– To enter the Resident Evil leaderboards, please read the SPECIFIC RULES on the following page. click here
– Run done offstream MUST BE single segment (No Saves at all).
– Major Glitches ARE FORBIDDEN.
– Out of bounds IS FORBIDDEN.
– Only skin mods ARE ALLOWED.
– Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
– Using SRT tool is allowed and helps the verifiers checking your run.
– If SRT it’s not being used to show HP or playing on console, if you take a potentially damaging stun, open inventory to show HP.
Specific Rules:
– FPS MUST BE capped at or below 120fps.
– FPS NEEDS to be displayed during the run (You can activate this in “Steam > Settings > in-game > in game FPS counter) or using Rivatuner.
– FPS Settings may NOT BE changed during the run.
– FPS rules only apply to the PC version of the game.
– Loading autosaves is forbidden -> you have to restart.
– Graphics Settings may only be changed at Boss fights to allow higher/consistent framerate. If Graphics Settings are changed for Boss fights, it MUST be visible during the video. If Graphics Settings changes are cut from the video, the run will be REJECTED.
– If chief Irons grabs you in sherry’s section, RUN IS OVER.
– Stair Skating is ALLOWED.
– The use of subweapons in only weapons is NOT ALLOWED.
– The ‘Reinforced Frame’ upgrade IS ALLOWED for handgun only runs.
– The use of the handgun in the ada section is ONLY allowed in handgun only, the use of the handgun in another only weapon it’s NOT ALLOWED.
– All extra modes runs must be done on their respective difficulties not on practice mode.
– NG+ weapons are allowed but it should be specified in the submission.
– Both Extra modes and NG+ runs are not valid to officially join the team, but team members can submit these runs for the website as long as they have a verified run in the game.
– For the Kill All runs you can read here a detailed list of all the enemies: Leon 1st – Claire 1st – Leon 2nd – Claire 2nd – 4th survivor or Tofu Survivor
– No Damage and No Hit are completely separated categories, this should not be confused since they are different runs. No damage implies that the life bar does not drop below 100% at any point in the game and no hit implies other characteristics that are explained below.
NO HIT Rules:
– All types of Enemy Grabs, even if you use a defensive item, count as HIT.
– G1 grab from the ceiling count as HIT.
– G2 hand coming from the ceiling count as HIT.
– Auto staggers (any stagger caused by your weapons such as grenades, flamethrowers, etc.) do not count as HIT.
– Zombies that just died and stagger you count as HIT.
– Stagger caused by helicopter crash does not count as HIT.
– Stagger caused by falling from the second floor of the library does not count as HIT.
– Any stagger caused by LIVING enemies counts as HIT (G-adults, G2 jump, Alive Zombies falling, etc.).
– The zombie falling from the ceiling in the first hallway count as HIT.
– Stagger caused by C4 explosion (in the library) does not count as HIT.
– Stagger caused by rocks in Supert Tyrant Boss does not count as HIT.
HUD Rules for Resident Evil 2
- Ammos
- Status
- Inventory

Verifier for Resident Evil 2










