Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game. Most of the time this means only the required bosses will completed, but some specialized runs will call for optional content to be included in their any %.
All Skills
Beat the game and reach the credits having collected:
All Movement skills (Mothwing Cloak, Shade Cloak, Mantis Claw, Monarch Wings, Isma’s Tear, Crystal Heart),
All Nail Arts (Dash Slash, Great Slash, Cyclone Slash) and
All Spells (Vengeful Spirit & Shade Soul, Howling Wraiths & Abyss Shriek, Desolate Dive & Descending Dark).
Sealed siblings
Whatever is needed, bosses and charms, to reach the “Sealed Siblings” ending of the game.
True Ending
Whatever is needed, bosses and charms, to reach the “Dream No More” ending of the game.
All Main Game Bosses
Beat all the main game bosses in a new savefile and reaching the credits (this doesn’t include DLCs). Bosses must be defeated at their original spot, using Godhome to reach a boss is not allowed.
All Non Pantheon Bosses
Beat all the main game bosses + all DLCs excluding Godhome bosses. Bosses must be defeated at their original spot, using Godhome to reach a boss is not allowed.
Pantheon 5
Beating Pantheon 5. It can be done on a Normal Game file or a Godseeker Mode file. Beating Grey Prince Zote is mandatory.
Beat the game with 11% completion. Requires showing credits and post-credits game completion %.
(Breakdown: 1% Vengeful Spirit, 2% Mantis Claw, 1% Dream Nail, 2% Crystal Heart, 1% Watcher Knights, 1% Uumuu, 3% Dreamers).
Beat the Godhome ending of the game and show game completion at 112% in credits or inventory.
spiral_out Zirob21 hill1030 Gabrien_ klampcast TheRada DanielloPiuBello WayOfLoci gintsoka Laphi__ slash15_ Jenkar IVameless Oosk VlaDOS Wizarician YackNights Marty DaríoJimenez Jowel35 Papajoshhh Zacs98 Glance WagolHGB sekio90 Peretz Muckworm évoli iPoPz Thalant_ enriqueyr Abeloplus Leugitimo Holy_Wakamouly Losyto Euqor97 GragenX joeleren tontofeliz0 diegosb01 Crow744 perryelperrito Oaki AvegaX RenzoXRock guillenr96 Rhava LaruuLaw Adrin Francisco8 Ghostmien Teyne fov_ufjfjf PotiPotencia ItsDaniy 9soulz Frann192 Dangil vls Neromance LeCipotte Erlopeh DavidCan unaxiri Shanksuss Xar_Wanderer Scudpuddle Megu mevoyalacama AntiheroXIII AlekhineAG Jackels13 Pe2Lindos Rothko_caballero ShinyCroqueto Quaarkz Cegoco11 Virti114 Pabloherresp DanteKt DiieVil feref93 Madera Rayo Ivanpotato SebaxReloaded Sample Strawbrary KappaVT MrPdbr Christianhm97 CharasLove Lakis_25 Sup AntThaPant pablitoSkywalker AdrianmaTV Ander Lafont Erbuleria ElVitkar Danielesm83 Volnick Paukoko Cortysus Zuha ArmandoKrritos Caustic LagunHero Staker488 MrEpos22 AironLawliet arctiics Liyrslly Lamiche Kisstorm_ stackwin GranCa1 LazorBrown 8cho TheKnightNox Gothicsprout DanteKt SuperJump JeiNoGamer ERNYFRAN Cikesss JMustS Uppercasserole Vivinyaan Xirtsym EnekoSala CalikoPG ManuG zoliaco caru_tv Wolfang Kemekemo Chemita_1001 DresMo ToniniGames tomazingerz Potimax wanderingblindly Patatasexy123 Hugolink ByronLKI Derek MacIntyre Cuenco Darkag steakistgeil SrPechu ilKhalEl Cr1ks0 Lightstream PicoBrained Kryban Tarkonix blueberrybrioche Leandrito HugoEspinosa Shaka6331 ShacoIsMyLife RequiemShows Lukcar LarryCTM nameless_crow_255 Rolthix DuskoNova DumpsterDonuts BrugarBB Emi4am Awapalla AntAskew kyleanderror13 HallKerXXII Oery SrFluffy TetGuerra Dethlss BufandaDel Normat UnforgivenPls Vytoking nmania snowy GoddessOfBubbles TrogdorMiau Llamín Cons_Iriso zephyr__dnb Raydans THDonny RokkorGaming eduuu9
All Skills
JMustS slash15_ gintsoka VlaDOS Holy_Wakamouly Leugitimo perryelperrito GragenX diegosb01 sekio90 Papajoshhh Ghostmien Oaki LeCipotte Xar_Wanderer Erlopeh Rayo Zirob21 Jackels13 Joeleren RenzoXRock Pe2Lindos KappaVT Arctiics LaruuLaw Elvitkar CalikoPG Cegoco11 DresMo Alebrant SuperJump Tarkonix Dethlss SebaxReloaded KemeKemo SovereignsGreed kyleanderror13 EnekoSala
Sealed Siblings
True Ending
All Main Game Bosses
All Non Pantheon Bosses
Hitless Rules for Hollow Knight
General Rules
HUD Rules for Hollow Knight

Verifier for Hollow Knight


Holy_ Wakamouly





