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Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game. Most of the time this means only the required bosses will completed, but some specialized runs will call for optional content to be included in their any %.

All Skills

Beat the game and reach the credits having collected:
All Movement skills (Mothwing Cloak, Shade Cloak, Mantis Claw, Monarch Wings, Isma’s Tear, Crystal Heart),
All Nail Arts (Dash Slash, Great Slash, Cyclone Slash) and
All Spells (Vengeful Spirit & Shade Soul, Howling Wraiths & Abyss Shriek, Desolate Dive & Descending Dark).

Sealed siblings

Whatever is needed, bosses and charms, to reach the “Sealed Siblings” ending of the game.

True Ending

Whatever is needed, bosses and charms, to reach the “Dream No More” ending of the game.

All Main Game Bosses

Beat all the main game bosses in a new savefile and reaching the credits (this doesn’t include DLCs). Bosses must be defeated at their original spot, using Godhome to reach a boss is not allowed.

All Non Pantheon Bosses

Beat all the main game bosses + all DLCs excluding Godhome bosses. Bosses must be defeated at their original spot, using Godhome to reach a boss is not allowed.

Pantheon 5

Beating Pantheon 5. It can be done on a Normal Game file or a Godseeker Mode file. Beating Grey Prince Zote is mandatory.


Beat the game with 11% completion. Requires showing credits and post-credits game completion %.
(Breakdown: 1% Vengeful Spirit, 2% Mantis Claw, 1% Dream Nail, 2% Crystal Heart, 1% Watcher Knights, 1% Uumuu, 3% Dreamers).


Beat the Godhome ending of the game and show game completion at 112% in credits or inventory.



spiral_out   Zirob21   hill1030   Gabrien_   klampcast   TheRada   DanielloPiuBello   WayOfLoci   gintsoka   Laphi__   slash15_   Jenkar   IVameless   Oosk   VlaDOS   Wizarician   YackNights   Marty   DaríoJimenez   Jowel35   Papajoshhh   Zacs98   Glance   WagolHGB   sekio90   Peretz   Muckworm   évoli   iPoPz   Thalant_   enriqueyr   Abeloplus   Leugitimo   Holy_Wakamouly   Losyto   Euqor97   GragenX   joeleren   tontofeliz0   diegosb01   Crow744   perryelperrito   Oaki   AvegaX   RenzoXRock   guillenr96   Rhava   LaruuLaw   Adrin   Francisco8   Ghostmien   Teyne   fov_ufjfjf   PotiPotencia   ItsDaniy   9soulz   Frann192   Dangil   vls   Neromance   LeCipotte   Erlopeh   DavidCan   unaxiri   Shanksuss   Xar_Wanderer   Scudpuddle   Megu   mevoyalacama   AntiheroXIII   AlekhineAG   Jackels13   Pe2Lindos   Rothko_caballero   ShinyCroqueto   Quaarkz   Cegoco11   Virti114   Pabloherresp   DanteKt   DiieVil   feref93   Madera   Rayo   Ivanpotato   SebaxReloaded   Sample   Strawbrary   KappaVT   MrPdbr   Christianhm97   CharasLove   Lakis_25   Sup   AntThaPant   pablitoSkywalker   AdrianmaTV   Ander Lafont   Erbuleria   ElVitkar   Danielesm83   Volnick   Paukoko   Cortysus   Zuha   ArmandoKrritos   Caustic   LagunHero   Staker488   MrEpos22   AironLawliet   arctiics   Liyrslly   Lamiche   Kisstorm_   stackwin   GranCa1   LazorBrown   8cho   TheKnightNox   Gothicsprout   DanteKt   SuperJump   JeiNoGamer   ERNYFRAN   Cikesss   JMustS   Uppercasserole   Vivinyaan   Xirtsym   EnekoSala   CalikoPG   ManuG   zoliaco   caru_tv   Wolfang   Kemekemo   Chemita_1001   DresMo   ToniniGames   tomazingerz   Potimax   wanderingblindly   Patatasexy123   Hugolink   ByronLKI   Derek MacIntyre   Cuenco   Darkag   steakistgeil   SrPechu   ilKhalEl   Cr1ks0   Lightstream   PicoBrained   Kryban   Tarkonix   blueberrybrioche   Leandrito   HugoEspinosa   Shaka6331   ShacoIsMyLife   RequiemShows   Lukcar   LarryCTM   nameless_crow_255   Rolthix   DuskoNova   DumpsterDonuts   BrugarBB   Emi4am   Awapalla   AntAskew   kyleanderror13   HallKerXXII   Oery   SrFluffy   TetGuerra   Dethlss   BufandaDel   Normat   UnforgivenPls   Vytoking   nmania   snowy   GoddessOfBubbles   TrogdorMiau   Llamín   Cons_Iriso   zephyr__dnb   Raydans   THDonny   RokkorGaming   eduuu9

Sealed Siblings
All Main Game Bosses
All Non Pantheon Bosses

Hitless Rules for Hollow Knight

General Rules
  • For Pantheon 5 runs the PAUSE MENU must be shown at the beginning of the run for checking if there are illegal mods.
  • A hit is ANY instance of damage and also falling off the map in dream sections.
  • Blocking damage with The Baldur Shell, the Dreamshield and the Carefree Melody is a hit. For damageless, you may not lower health from max for any reason, but baldur shell, carefree melody, and Dreamshield are permitted.
  • Intentional self-inflicted environmental damage is permitted to set up Fury of the Fallen, but you must either audibly state that you are going to take damage to set up Fury, or perform some action, like looking up and down 3 times. Moreover, you can only take damage to spikes or acid (NEVER an enemy), you can’t use the resulting iframes to bypass enemies etc, and you can’t use the damage to warp to another location (eg. Queen’s Gardens damage warp) and you can’t take this damage while having aggro from an enemy or when having a hit probability.
  • Major glitches are FORBIDDEN in any category.
  • Quitouts to port to the last bench are allowed unless you have aggroed any enemy (bomb-throwing Sporgs included; eg. you cannot quitout if a Sporg is about to throw a bomb, it can be active but not attacking). Quitouts are allowed if you have aggro from an enemy but you can’t be hit in any case (eg. when picking the tram pass while Carver Hatchers are outside of the broken tram) or if softlocked by a boss scream (eg. Vengefly King dying while screaming in Greenpath). Quitouts are mandatory if accidentally going out of bounds from the map.
  • Visual mods (such as skins) and No Death are ALLOWED but any other mod, including Debug mod, will make the run invalid.
  • Every patch from the 1.2 above is ALLOWED.
  • When running a Nail Only run it is accepted to use spells only for killing the Elder Baldurs in the Ancestral Mound and in the Greenpath’s entrance.
  • What’s a skip? A skip is any action that helps you reach a place you shouldn’t with the abilities you own at the moment (like the acid skip, the fireball skip or doing a pogo to reach a high place) or a way that is not meant to be used because the game wasn’t designed to be done like that. Lever skips in 1.2 are allowed. Quitouts/benchwarps are considered as skips as well.
  • What’s an upgrade? An upgrade is an action that upgrades your nail, your spells or that increases your soul (vessels), your life (masks) or charm capacity (notches). New abilities such as wings, isma’s tear or shade cloak are not considered upgrades.

HUD Rules for Hollow Knight

To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.

  • Health and soul
  • Top left corner for the mods

Submit a Run

You finished your first No Hit Run in Hollow Knight? Click on the “Submit” button for more information to get into the team!

Verifier for Hollow Knight



Holy_ Wakamouly

Holy_ Wakamouly













