Demon’s Souls Remake:
Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game.
All Bosses
All bosses in the base game including the tutorial Vanguard Demon.
dinossindgeil The_Happy_Hob Kazoodle YoungMaaddy H0llyLP weedlordgaben kmacdone TuleMM DobbYSama lilbiz61 Cursedwind InThorinRain BushidoYu Baryon23 lolblanxz enriqueyr Pakira DJCarmichael KemeKemo fabiancho13 BeyondTheHope g0ldstripes Ki11ahB GoesOnGhost Jamlmzt Arpelanza kolucas3 slash15_ TheRada armonik joniburz MSmithTW Frybeat Nuke San GunHogz Cloaakrog Darkag Zaron
All Bosses
dinossindgeil The_Happy_Hob Kazoodle perpetualrezurrection MsKILLIONAIRE tobi_eat_world Cursedwind Malevolgi4 ZeroEXE erienne86 postponedfor22 fingerspit EdenIssue BR1GHTMARES lilbiz61 Markish_00 SoulsVaru Arti BushidoYu Wordplay_TV iArkas KemeKemo Pakira enriqueyr Catarino_Jovial tmk24 Berni82 Lesval Mister_Witty shilkey10 lemoncupcake_001 jtayre LUIZBINARIO g0ldstripes wawly Morethna Mustafa1790x ErlisEcke Triskept mastapeet aDonutIRL Aldosa_ PainofWar Cikesss ProforProf Darkag BotBandi Brutal_nerd propaneseller soulsenjoyer420 FACE MAN
All Achievements

Demon’s Souls Classic:
Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game.
All Bosses
All bosses in the base game including the tutorial Vanguard Demon.
Hitless Rules for Demon's Souls
General Rules
- A hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.
- Hits from player triggered traps count.
- Environmental damage caused by static features as lava, water, swamp, spikes, campfires does not count as a hit.
- While fall damage does not count as a hit, a death from falling does.
- Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a perfect parry/deflect does not.
- Major glitches are not allowed, you can find a list of all banned glitches for Demon’s Souls here.
- Minor glitches or sequence breaking events that are allowed can be found here.
- Quitouts are generally not allowed, except when in the Nexus or to respawn Crystal Lizards in the original game, and only when you are not being chased by an enemy.
- Summon other players is forbidden, but NPC summons are allowed.
Specific Rules for Demon’s Souls
- Leechmonger’s arena drain that occurs when standing in the swamp to fight him does not count as a hit.
- Plague swamp in the Maiden Astraea fight does not count as a hit.
- For X Only runs, e.g. Weapon X Only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the X Only Restriction, fists and consumables. For Magic Only runs, e.g. Sorcery Only, Pyro Only, catalyst/chime/glove melees are allowed in addition to the previous restrictions.
- Killing bosses from outside of the arena is forbidden.
- The game must be played offline to avoid unwanted changes in World Tendency. Your run may be rejected by verifiers
- PS+ warps are not allowed.
Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:
- No consumable souls carried over from previous cycles
- Max level from NG is 80
- Must show inventory and world tendency at the start of the run
- Must use Nexial Binding at the start of the run (unless already at 0 souls)
HUD Rules for Demon's Souls
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Player HP bar
- Player stamina bar
- Consumable counter
- Boss damage
- Soul counter

Verifier for Demon's Souls
