Kill any bosses to reach the end credits of the game. Using the One Million Soul Memory method to enter the Shrine of Winter is considered the meta route.
Old Souls
Collect all Old Lord Souls (Rotten, Sinner, Old Iron King, Freja) in any order before shrine of winter and reach the end credits of the game. Check more here
All Main Game Bosses
All bosses in the base game (no DLC)
All Bosses
All bosses in the game, including DLCs.
The_Happy_Hob Squillakilla Otzdarva DonnyRekt GinoMachino Mogenkai Vahiguru Kazoodle EdenIssue dinossindgeil McDrunkard Gimme_Dopamine Prepayingdeath El_Reka MarcussMcV96 MezzPlays FinnTheLalafell Maxedout TheMurlocStreams backflippius Cosmicborne EthanStoreAllen DobbYSama yopherie Grollm brutal_nerd Jens_DV Nobody_Buddy Soldi blueberrybrioche ShadyDutchy Starnyx AlphaMystogan1221 ianmccormick AvionCoIossus valkyriexxxx Varazor xZiova ritual___ TheKnightNox broussbrouss BushidoYu Kaceress02_ NeXuRyZz folanRK Deadeyeeee klampscast Hyakujin tmk24 bentpigeon SnatDVD Sirigath Corazza Tonsu dhufishhunter mcswoozie SoulsMate shilkey10 Enocguitar Ginpierre Aizack_WWWWWWWWW SoulsVaru TheOrson weedlordgaben Ainrun AxelHD_13 JuanLig Bingivoy middun tranquirikki Zafer_Alqatma thelordduck22 Malevolgi4 Odysee Grey_NunSei FaintFigureInBlack V_of_Londor ashenogre j_n_z_ TuleMM disabled_dogs Ryuminari CzarBaldybald FrannyAM TheRada iDarkJakeHD_ SleepySnips AvegaX ChumpkinsMcGee Galvarn_ kirmanxedia Wisent Markish_00 TuleMM BR1GHTMARES Wawrzyn crisisdeansieda geo_eccentric pazuzusface postponedfor22 PersonManMan mjtrpe ErrSousa solaram_ Perpetualrezurrection Biibobii SumiBoyy MicolashTV Exeld Qingdomsolair chusommontero Darkzorro Kolucas3 NotButler_ StunnyDay competitivepie diego_ngplusproject Fryderykg futurrinco VicticoR TyranosaurusBrett enriqueyr Dolos6331 MrPedroIV erki5 CZy4Rn1 Baryon23 illuek Snowy louiswtw enelyate Brellario GG_JesusGames GlitchLiz Peretz St_James98 DiegoOfLoyce chirripitongos DanteKt garfo Victor godebob Salazar_Spy Triskept Klonk__ Alexshadowolex JClockhart Arixyann KemeKemo Dev Locopc Hellfire753 Haseo DJCarmichael Catarino_Jovial steakistgeil bigthonkk Ki11ahB Alberto MSmithTw SovereignsGreed Jackash13h jtayre BufandaDel Max DeadandDoom Pansparce GorritoLogan Parno86 Mister_Witty JohnnyMellabbo Sup EDH666 R33DIMUS Lamiche Cole Train aDonutIRL thenewbladerunner LMXTalos Cuenco Th3Wary DrErkath Klonor Chaoskiller Morethna PepinoKamikaze jarillosw_ Moncho Kirisu_Mafuyu ogrebass HiddeNight carlo404 xBirds_ Arpelanza Erlopeh Mop KappaVT SimmiEXE The_Forlorn_Panda Melanchollu tobi_eat_world St0chastic BigChicken THDonny CurtisCurtisx armonik Overkiller10 WizzdomGS Sebascadpi Mastapeet Lightstream tokemaestro ADeadlyHobo luzvil Cursedwind Slash15_ rafamellopes g0ldstripes Ruy EroSenninGod Toya Hachijo wawly Rhaltzar Sisko vanoxis57 trus0und Pakou PicoBrained Makeoutrose Leinchetzu TrailerBuster TaticaDS ErlisEcke Cikesss Megu_fan SirTriso Darkag TheKelbertShow n00tbag Roby Marshaal fabianbaggins Cronys02 Romain83 LaCriptaDeDan O8eiosSam st3cs AscendedDragon Monshou no Nazo nitrosovibrio Capde Anders092 LilithTheForgotten Cloaakrog Guiipo Laur 0Ashes mmcamel Momoy115 dain_sounds KuchoDogg BrugarBB pr0alsan PainofWar Degree Oscar Of Astora N1ghtz Sedlifer Shadestunna TWITEBRIO croacx 이수민 냐하 joraca666 Eclipse_8 XANTI Kogami Clapfish Ferdinando5 DerAltan monchur0 Jovan DANIELSM864 dotacimehmet6
Old Souls
Hitless Rules for Dark Souls II
General Rules:
- A Hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.
- Hits from player triggered traps count, environmental damage does not (Static features as lava, water, swamp, spikes, campfires are fine).
- While fall damage does not count, a death from falling will.
- Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a pefect parry/deflect does not.
- The use of magic and/or bows is fine.
- Major glitches ARE NOT ALLOWED (Shadows AI Glitch, Sage Skip, etc.).
- Minor glitches ARE ALLOWED (Air roll fall damage cancel, animation cancel, etc.).
- Quitouts are generally not allowed, except when in Majula or after resting at bonfires.
- Summon other players is forbidden, but NPC summons are allowed.
- Killing bosses/ads from outside of the boss arena is forbidden.
Specific Rules for Dark Souls II
- Slow debuffs that are contracted by the enemies, however not by direct contact (e.g. Trolls barging through the doors before Guardian Dragon bossfight, Mages before Blue Smelter) are not a hit
- Getting staggered by an invader as they enter your world when the player stands on top of them is a hit
- Campfires in which you mistakenly could run in (such as in the Giant Lord arena) is NOT a hit
- Killing or Damaging Bosses/Ads from outside of the arena is forbidden
- For X Only runs, e.g. Weapon X Only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the X Only Restriction, fists and consumables. For Magic Only runs, e.g. Sorcery Only, Pyro Only, catalyst/chime/glove melees are allowed in addition to the previous restrictions.
Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:
- No poppable souls (unless used to exchange for a boss weapon) in NG+ carried over from NG.
- Bonfire ascetics are allowed to be carried over.
- No cheated weapons or items from NG or from NG+.
- Max level from NG is 120.
- NG Equipment including DLC is allowed to be carried over.
- Must show inventory at the start of your run.
Specific Rules for Company of Champions Runs:
- You must join the Company of Champions as soon as you arrive in Majula. Killing Maughlin before joining the Covenant is allowed, but regular enemies cannot be killed outside of the Covenant.
- Once you join the Covenant, leaving the Covenant for any reason (such as going through the rat areas without being invaded or buying items from the rat NPC) is forbidden.
- For All Bosses runs, Darklurker cannot be skipped. You have to join the Pilgrims of the Dark covenant and can kill Darklurker with any combination of buffs. If Darklurker is not the last boss, you must rejoin the Company of Champions immediately after killing them.
HUD Rules for Dark Souls II
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Player HP bar
- Player stamina bar
- Spell count and name
- Consumable counter and name
- Boss damage
- Soul counter

Verifier for Dark Souls II







