Whatever bosses are needed to reach the end credits of the game. Most of the time this means only the required bosses will completed, but some specialized runs will call for optional content to be included in their Any%.
All Main Game Bosses
All bosses in the base game (no DLC)
All Bosses
All bosses in the game, including DLCs.
The_Happy_Hob Squillakilla Colmer DonnyRekt GinoMachino schiyo Vahiguru Kazoodle EdenIssue dinossindgeil Imapi SinghaVOB Evorynn MarcussMcV96 MezzPlays ThePapaFinn Grollm backflippius meltbeam TheRealMcDan SoyKeinon QuothTheRavenn RedDawn2587 Tonsu j_n_z_ Xenosum SoundsTricky thatCoolBlackDude DobbYSama Varazor OGJunkyard yopherie valkyriexxxx BarkerGH sebbangeli SlowpokeReggae Soldi Ay_Reap3r ZesicionX AlphaMystogan1221 fabian_baggin Nobody_Buddy broussbrouss TheKnightNox PipeOrgan2 ParaBellumES Aizack_WWWWWWWWW Markish_00 tomatefey NeXuRyZz klampscast BushidoYu Skaidan Nic_Fleury chusommontero Bounty_Is_The_Best SnatDVD Sirigath eyMario biibobii Nehiro ersnt mcswoozie Hiraki Cursedwind shilkey10 ainrun Galvarn_ weedlordgaben AxelHD_13 ZeroEXE Zagurzem jf0rce Averij97 D_t3nza23 Aleksandr_Samael middun eldoryy Omai Malzaharius tranquirikki Corazza Malevolgi4 ChumpkinsMcGee TheOrson UmaruChanOuO kirmanxedia inthorinrain OrKallenzar Dor3nz Karolosu CzarBaldybald HolyCatPL fingerspit Zenmetsu23 hinrikwolff tomazingerz el_DaniSaurio Evergreen_Monster JavsMandi disabled_dogs solaram_ Elletraschinas beyondthehope BenderzGreat TyranosaurusBrett FrannyAM SoulsVaru TuleMM Ruper117 Montxaldre Pakira Borjuto Wawrzyn Nosferatumm MasterVodka corbekun AvegaX SumiBoyy Kaserolo Sir_Harmony nikkysr kolucas3 Lelee_og Frybeat Wisent GlitchLiz postponedfor22 n00tbag Megaupgeorge17 VicticoR Chunky_Birb Lesval Leydybug onl33z Maychisu croacx PersonManMan Danny0ner MrPropper169 Noah_Inspired skydragon2510 4lbxrtz ogrebass Qingdomsolair GeriiF1 futurrinco Perpetualrezurrection Arialiis NotButler_ SCI KilyTheBid Josebastw AlvaroKaly lilbiz61 Kalantes21 lursias El_Reka Baryon23 g0ldstripes Jackash13h erki5 LauMallow MrPedroIV GatoTabaco enriqueyr TheRada GG_JesusGames Malinok Cuenco mark222 louiswtw Hyakujin Dolos6331 TheShitpostExperience I_Kinkajou proteh 22_puigdemont_22 Goshita Dev Marenwolf DanielloPiuBello BR1GHTMARES a_k_z7 Just_a_Thimo BR34DY_ BlueSnoop Dishock Look MasaShow tomith Sergezzio Xark96 buzz2000 SirArthvr azurza94 Owarida Zelda Sebascadpi lemoncupcake_001 BenDoDat Areia DaríoJimenez Chirripitongos Christianhm97 Klonk__ Little_Calcifer mellomellown odaruu erwillywonka Ayuken Mijedi Slothfall Wootoow CarlosJotaEle Bespreyer Ki11ahB Yisas Acei Whippin Arixyann PorongArenero AscendedDragon PayTriotGG xWILDxBABOONx Normat MSmithTw Lamiche EroSenninGod Tahiche Scewps MyNerdyHobby Hellfire753 Alexshadowolex SaltyBBQChip PackYourBaggins Catarino_Jovial WhiteXenomorph BanjoTheUncle KemeKemo MicolashTV ErLopeh follacamiones24 zeus_hg DJCarmichael BufandaDel jtayre LaCriptaDeDan Alberto Griloc SovereignsGreed Naserio Brooksly hBart EverColder davmelon StunnyDay Muguxtv Mr Turr MrRuy0 Gothicsprout atrece Lightstream Pedros Pascual Almela pramitus steakistgeil GGato44 Arkham Kirisu_Mafuyu DeadandDoom JohnnyMellabbo PepinoKamikaze Egolessboy pr0alsan Unc4pped EDH666 Snowy Staker488 Mastapeet maximcastelloagullo Pabloherresp O8eiosSam thisisfraanz Thalant_ Cegoco11 gongstor11 Cole Train Carlo404 ghidooo Morethna Moncho HiddeNight PrimalSy BigChicken Chals0 Brutal_nerd Duchess Skye pharmacydoc2018 Catboy Out Kalamish BatKek Mop LilithTheForgotten thenewbladerunner bigthonkk Chemita_1001 L0kplart Fury21399 Litonator MeepForSpeed Valierel aDonutIRL nitrosovibrio Arpelanza BrugarBB Pel_40 ilKhalEl Gaxlobo WizzdomGS Jonnpe mr_dr_raven Leugitimo Locopc ADeadlyHobo slash15_ Jimmy Demogice sayrek Chaoskiller triskept LMXTalos Dangreva THDonny marcobnz1 JojaOfficial Ronjahaha iplosly Peretz Josito Gaucho monchur0 Van 2durian SirTriso kota_x Elpigolo SoWrong_ TcKay wawly Lactrix RubenMa Suicide_Chef ErlisEcke Radford999 Carnifex Louzunk Ruy Krobbe Overkiller10 Rhaltzar AnthemionTV IkerrDp PouringRayn Darkag Romain83 Roby Skio Ren blueberrybrioche kaniac KappaVT MayuRiedel Aldosa_ Cikesss TaticaDS Megu_fan Kwiedsch Makeoutrose joraca666 El Cucan Natspresso Cattyrana Momoy115 GoofballTheCat Marshaal Vomit Kyrogus Zzala Maiki_patata EdyBot Valterus Perrito McGuau Monshou no Nazo Säooo Omil davhid091 GaburonDS ZaWii Tramadoltony Vari armonik Capde 85_Farloose Pipiriganya nebblebb paulsansil DaAs25 Wolfang Cloaakrog PainofWar CastTerror pablomotos77 Nazralla SUPERSKY 0Ashes dain_sounds WoodIsMetal Traldizin adachisnt GunHogz intheory Alex_The_Armor_Dragonslayer KidNamedFinger joniburz LethalisUmbra Alekai Rafa__Garrido Static_92 Origen XANTI Adam BrokenStraightSword Avop161 Ferdinando5 soyAgiraru kyleanderror13 Mili__83 HallKerXXII Oringiri Tamae 이수민 SpaceDragon kiidoN ElAzul Kabeylereuf Varli PotasticP Papanug Kordall_ FlipaTulipa MasterPedro587 James ash arkanite Bronsiu alex975513 Drygwa dotacimehmet6 Nite0wls Tarkonix ArcherThe Wsfz_Demon miawhatever kuboss123 JikWid skurz4k Trapi57 Uludaz iStefaan Storm Spirit Luna10101 Unsourced Crawdadio18 silenc333 DANIELSM864
All Main Game Bosses
AvegaX OrKallenzar inthorinrain tomazingerz Lelee_og enriqueyr Jackash13h Markish_00 Cuenco lemoncupcake_001 SoulsVaru follacamiones24 Dolos6331 Kirisu_Mafuyu Hellfire753 MrPropper169 BanjoTheUncle eyMario tmk24 JohnnyMellabbo carlo404 g0ldstripes MeepForSpeed Peretz CarlosJotaEle marcobnz1 Darkag Lightstream monchur0 Arpelanza ErlisEcke Romain83
All Bosses
Hitless Rules for Dark Souls
General Rules
- A Hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.
- Hits from player triggered traps count, environmental damage does not (Static features as lava, water, swamp, spikes, campfires are fine).
- While fall damage does not count, a death from falling will.
- Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a pefect parry/deflect does not.
- Summon other players is forbidden, but NPC summons are allowed.
Damageless rules
- Blocking an enemy attack or projectile is allowed.
- Items, rings, etc. which boosts players HP temporarily (or while wearing) and then goes back to initial HP (eg. Ring of Favor and Protection) are not considered as damage and are allowed.
- All other cases of lowering HP outside of the above point are considered instances of damage.
Hitless & Damageless Rules
- All of the Hitless & Damageless rules apply.
Specific Rules for Dark Souls
- Major glitches are NOT ALLOWED (AI Break, Quantity Storage, etc.). Sequence breaking events are NOT ALLOWED, besides the following ones:
- Duke skip is allowed
- Ceaseless skip is allowed
- Goughless Kalameet is allowed
- Manus Foggate Skip is allowed
- Minor glitches ARE ALLOWED (slope fall damage cancel, animation cancel, etc.).
- Quitouts are NOT ALLOWED, except:
- To trade items with Snuggly
- To get the Ring of Favor and Protection.
- To get the Dark Wood Grain Ring
- When lizards despawn, if no enemies are aggroed and no other benefit is gained from the quitout besides respawning the missed lizard, e.g. positional or timing advantages.
- To spawn the golden golem after killing the Hydra in Darkroot Basin
- You selected the wrong dialogue option (Daughter of Chaos or Gough)
- When in Firelink Shrine
- After resting at any bonfire
- When unable to sit at a bonfire (eg. after Nito’s fight due to not completing Patches’ dialogues)
- It is always FORBIDDEN to quitout if an enemy aggros you.
- Stone Knights slow debuff, before Moonlight Butterfly bossfight is NOT a hit.
- Invader stagger during invasion, when the player stands on top of him is a hit.
- Campfires in which you mistakenly could run in (Lower Undead Burg) is NOT a hit.
- The status effect “Curse” caused by enemies and traps is a hit. The upbuilding bar is not a hit unless it deals damage (Basilisks).
- Nothing counts as a hit in Seath’s 1st encounter.
- For X Only runs, e.g. Weapon X Only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the X Only Restriction, fists and consumables. For Magic Only runs, e.g. Sorcery Only, Pyro Only, catalyst/chime/glove melees are allowed in addition to the previous restrictions.
- For Pyro Only runs it is ALLOWED to fight and kill Queelag, Ceaseless Discharge, Centipede Demon and Bed of Chaos in any way incl. all Weapons, Consumables & other Schools of Magic since they are 100% immune to fire damage.
- For Miracle Only runs it is ALLOWED to choose the Cleric starting class and use the Mace in the Asylum area only since you aren’t able to use damaging miracles there.
Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:
- Max SL120 at the start
- Max 99 per each consumable at the start
- Leveling and getting more consumables in the run is allowed
- No poppable souls in NG+ carried over from NG
- You have to be at 0 souls at the start of the run (darksign in the cell)
HUD Rules for Dark Souls
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Humanity counter
- Player HP bar
- Player stamina bar
- Spell count and name
- Consumable counter and name
- Boss damage
- Soul counter

Verifier for Dark Souls










