Defeat the bosses that are required to complete the game.
All Main Game Bosses
Need to defeat all of the bosses and complete the game. Excludes the bosses from the DLC and Chalices.
All Bosses
Need to defeat all the bosses in the game and complete the game. Includes bosses from the DLC but excludes bosses from Chalices.
All Bosses + Chalices
Need to defeat all the bosses in the game and complete the game. Includes bosses from the DLC and all unique Chalice bosses.
heyZeusHeresToast The_Happy_Hob Squillakilla davidtankre Gimme_Dopamine Jaxked Kwitty23 DonnyRekt MarcussMcV96 Mogenkai GoesOnGhost SlipperySuzie Colmer LETHAL3 EdenIssue JoeDD Soldi GiantCookieJar VikingBarudda Angrish emery222 Nobody_Buddy Ddupreee MezzPlays AlexGamingPleb SgtCinamonbuns TigerG92 PrincePoxo EarlyBirdyEmma Cheeky_Blinder_ Coltrane_ Kazoodle thenewbladerunner dinossindgeil Cosmicborne Vahiguru SoupLad_ zafer_alqatma falckenhaus godi_1981 BaileyMitxhell DobbYSama Tonsu MasterRaven klampscast ParaBellumES brutal_nerd elletraschinas jbananaiii St_James98 broussbrouss iStefaan SoulsMate NotButler_ KaterAKA beyondthehope ChemicalCranberry luizbinario fingerspit weedlordgaben GlitchLiz D_t3nza23 f0v_ufjfjf AlienaVox Malevolgi4 Cursedwind chusommontero enelyate TheRada tobi_eat_world JavsMandi Arti Evergreen_Monster AntAskew Nic_Fleury Colomito Markish_00 perpetualrezurrection Sefirot10 yopherie postponedfor22 PersonManMan infant_great_one grau1182 PhenecX solaram_ Corazza Gabrien_ valkyriexxxx fanexpressds TuleMM V_of_Londor KatanaSouls Vicaria trus0und NDF_PDF e_vac Trid3r franlg10 its_CheeT Pakira father_of_kos fabiancho13 xCLoOWnZ Chichardo321 LudumPost imapi PeyloW TyranosaurusBrett lilbiz61 TwelfthEnd wbrsouls Pabloherresp InThorinRain ElviraYuki Catarino_Jovial Kurgo WayOfLoci Christianhm97 Baryon23 MrPedroIV kolucas3 crisisdeansieda B0gsTV Chirripitongos El_Reka SorenUsagi Powny Carletto0809 LoGrisCarl Mupen2 iArkas BR1GHTMARES MasaShow ercarlo SylarElCaido R33DIMUS witnake Okami_laguna vivinyaan jtayre украинец Dishock delia_enarion blueberrybrioche KemeKemo EDH666 Tromzoh mastapeet Octavio_SK steakistgeil ilKhalEl Z0ckerr12 Hellfire753 WagreTzK Hitless Chara DanielloPiuBello ErrSousa Aldosa_ tmk24 shilkey10 ashenogre piioiiq Dan_trvlr LaCriptaDeDan lolblanxz VaultWarrior Peretz DiegoOfLoyce Msmithtw A_K_Z7 Ki11ahB Snowy theyucmar Arkham ErlisEcke Old Narmer DanYelAK47 Malinok Cashmere Kilt lemoncupcake_001 Lesval monchur0 Griloc zerothefinn n00tbag Gloomshadows Jamlmzt GrandFamorian Terra BanjoTheUncle Drak aDonutIRL Morethna Alex_The_Armor_Dragonslayer Lamiche SoulsVaru Valierel Arpelanza Faladryn Soulslayer434 g0ldstripes Rhaltzar DedosMagicosMetal BigThonkk ProfOrProf slash15_ adrichans_ Mili__83 Pipiriganya lMitsuka Kupa_Terror Envyon wawly alv4ro Frybeat Lydless Mcelhenney Productions Galvarn_ FanielTheDan Zzala Hugolink Joniburz Lightstream dain_sounds rrff66 Kyobuu kelpTV Onyx caser_ KappaVT TrailerBuster Shinypockets smoker_spectre Cikesss TaticaDS TRANCOS Normat PainofWar exzerothree mmcamel shashan soulsenjoyer420 이수민 Static_92 hyuyu9122 Jay Holden Nazralla DANIELSM864 Verse proteh Cloaakrog DisNapped Twitebrio nohitprokill3r FlipaTulipa
All Main Game Bosses
Squillakilla Gimme_Dopamine Kwitty23 DonnyRekt MarcussMcV96 Mogenkai Nobody_Buddy GoesOnGhost EdenIssue Colmer Cheeky_Blinder_ zafer_alqatma MezzPlays jbananaiii DobbYSama klampscast D_t3nza23 Vicaria infant_great_one Colomito Evergreen_Monster its_CheeT Gabrien_ B0gsTV grau1182 EDH666 shilkey10 MSmithTw ilKhalEl NotButler_ iStefaan monchur0 lemoncupcake_001 Griloc SylarElCaido zerothefinn mastapeet Malinok ErlisEcke FanielTheDan Kyobuu Baryon23
All Bosses
Squillakilla Kwitty23 DonnyRekt MarcussMcV96 GoesOnGhost Nobody_Buddy zafer_alqatma EdenIssue MezzPlays 스린 klampscast Colomito its_CheeT shilkey10 Evergreen_Monster MSmithTw mrzero_o EDH666 aDonutIRL LemonCupcake_001 Gimme_Dopamine zerothefinn NotButler_ Soulslayer434 Malinok ilKhalEl B0gsTV iStefaan
All Achievements
Hitless Rules for Bloodborne
General Rules
- A hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.
- Hits from player triggered traps count.
- Environmental damage caused by static features as lava, water, swamp, spikes, campfires do not count as a hit.
- Fall damage does not count as a hit, but a death from falling does.
- Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a perfect parry does not.
- Major glitches are not allowed. You can find a list of all banned glitches for Bloodborne here.
- Minor glitches or sequence breaking events that are allowed for Bloodborne can be found here.
- Quitouts are not allowed, except when in the Hunter’s Dream or after killing Djura to get the Powder Keg Hunter Badge.
- Summoning other players is forbidden, but NPC summons are allowed.
- Killing bosses/ads from outside of the arena is forbidden.
Specific Rules for Bloodborne
- Initial ticks of damage from Frenzy build-up do not count as a hit. However, getting damaged by the full proc from Frenzy counts as a hit.
- Getting sent to Wet Nurse’s Nightmare phase does not count as a hit (even though it can be avoided). Any attack received within the Nightmare phase counts as normal.
Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:
- Max level before NG+: 80
- You can level up in the next NG+ cycles
HUD Rules for Bloodborne
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements marked in red. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Health and Stamina bar following with the blood vials, mercury bullets and the actual item
- Blood Echoes and insight number (Both icons doesn’t change and it can be covered)
- Damage number
The following yellow marked HUD elements should ideally be visible (but can be partially covered):
- Boss health bar

Verifier for Bloodborne


Evergreen Monster





