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Defeat the bosses that are required to complete the game.

All Main Game Bosses 

Need to defeat all of the bosses and complete the game. Excludes the bosses from the two DLCs.

All Bosses

Need to defeat all the bosses in the game and complete the game. Includes bosses from both DLCs.


FaraazKhan   Squillakilla   The_Happy_Hob   davidtankre   Gimme_Dopamine   Imapi   GinoMachino   Thetoastywolf   CouchJockey   Nobody_Buddy   SPlaTTer1981   miltymilt   ZCOLBSTER   DonnyRekt   SlipperySuzie   AronTheBaron   MarcussMcV96   MezzPlays   aiframe   Kableblack   EdenIssue   Coltrane_   Vswed   Vahiguru   blueberrybrioche   NOHITJEROME   SoundsTricky   Kazoodle   SirMartiny   Vinny_Vega   dinossindgeil   Decc   Soldi   ccvector   El_Reka   Varazor  HomelessPete   HaalraNerds   MicolashTV   geo_eccentric   ParaBellumES   Seki   dovakhin1998   Colmer   Odysee   yopherie   DistractionCrab   updowngetaway   backflippius   Hemptet   kungfupancaked   El_Schago   Teroskull   BioticNova   valkyriexxxx   ashenogre   armselig7   Couvs   tobi_eat_world   Lukeeloki   VexGK   broussbrouss   kaibiv   klampscast   PipeOrgan2   NeXuRyZz   SuperTatchi   ChemicalCranberry   SoulsMate   folanRK   Grey_NunSei   Kontan_live   Hyakujin   BolloStream   manjuell   Galvarn_   OldCasual  TheOrson   TheKnightNox   Sirigath   Catalists   Nic_Fleury   eyMario   weedlordgaben   Tonsu   sbinq   mcswoozie   DerAltan   KhorakNW   A_TALKINGSLUG   PerpetualRezurrection   shilkey10   YoJosherino   Aizack_WWWWWWWWW   sebbangeli   SoulsVaru   trus0und   ZeroEXE   Markish_00   BR1GHTMARES   Sir_Harmony   SumiBoyy   ersnt   ainrun   tmk24   BushidoYu   AvegaX   AlphaMystogan1221   competitivepie   Zexax00   TuleMM   SoyKeinon   wawly   ChumpkinsMcGee   SynT51   V_of_Londor   CzarBaldybald   Swinkly   solaram_   DecayingBlaze   suno_21   jonp270305   sefirot10   Sieg   zafer_alqatma   Elletraschinas   Valence17   fanexpressds   TyranosaurusBrett   WhiteXenomorph   HolyCatPL   futurrinco   SnakeFighter   x00vongola00x   croacx   HemlocksVirtue   LeCarbonator   xbirds_   Chirripitongos   postponedfor22   Powny   Darkero_Stream   AvionColossus   HeatherIsYellow   YoungMaaddy   Frybeat   Lesval   Anders092   jamesq7   WillOWisp___   Brii   f0v_ufjfjf   MasterVodka   BenderzGreat   Corazza   KarrasTheRaven_   BanjoBunny   TwelfthEnd   its_CheeT   Gazpachette   dhoodlum   Leo Vernard   Camelillo96   n00tbag   GlitchLiz   a_k_z7   Flogzeug   Just_a_Thimo   lucicu7   Snowy   Look   Ruy   j_n_z_   Baryon23   Areia   ZondaKeN   paolo_lawson   IamMaarc   IPlosly   godebob   Patrick   FrasesGamers   PrimalSy   Storm Spirit   vvodle   Nyxzada   냐하   Caldeiro   Naruto11k   Glance   enriqueyr   SimmiEXE   SovereignsGreed   PCP   carlo404   schwadse   Hellfire753   Alexshadowolex   Jclockhart   Alberto   BanjoTheUncle   Almina   TheRevanchist   TheSunQueen   Brooksly   tokemaestro   mfreak00   Droteer   Kassandros   killbeats94   DeadandDoom   BBQCh1ps   AironLawliet   jtayre   LaCriptaDeDan   IkerrDp   EscrotoncioWey   Lightstream   TetoSouls   BufandaDel   Dev   Pakira   boyfalon   Slash15_   Ronjahaha   Carletto0809   Cursedwind   IskaralPust90   MDP   xWILDxBABOONx   hanting99   R33DIMUS   HiddeNight   KemeKemo   Lecentz   Lamiche  NotButler_   ercarlo   Whippin   Puppery   DomenicoBraSaS   EDH666   serboggit   Megaupgeorge17   Mumpi   monchur0   Lumos   steakistgeil   oskkar   Shashan   Msmithtw  Exeld  DanielloPiuBello   Catarino_Jovial   Blubdiblub1   Morethna   aDonutIRL   Leugitimo   rafamellopes   Jackash13h   Dolos6331   SeSch   Ki11ahB   ErWillyWonka   MayuRiedel   Elpigolo   Arpelanza   keskeuzaydaolsam   Cyberiety   PepinoKamikaze   LMXTalos   biibobii   Kallen2g   Mastapeet   nixonfitzpatrick   mr_dr_raven   Cikesss   Zefod42   B0gsTV   Cole Train   interstellarEMwave   Ladypan   Faladryn   MeepForSpeed   Sobo   mastergecko2   NevereMind   Naserio   BBgainz   Scware   SoWrong_   JohnnyMellabbo   TheRada   nebblebb   Pakou   WizzdomGS   THDonny   PicoBrained   WoodIsMetal   EinwegSkilla   Locopc   Megu_fan   g0ldstripes   Overkiller10   Marshaal   Teambersaw   Aghiad360   Bizarri   dain_sounds   Guracho   Rhaltzar   MatheusDS   Akkaza   Me7aTate   Cloaakrog   Parthenon   SirTriso   Zott_   lukaszosek   ErlisEcke   Unbreakable Patches   KuchoDogg   JeffBriant   KappaVT   Eritz   YohRen   O8eiosSam   Kaniac   TaticaDS   DedosMagicosMetal   jthehelmet   Layla   Valli22   FlipaTulipa   YamiLostSoul   Starnyx   diablo140_   Samuel_Pincel   ArcherThe   Kogami   DANIELSM864   Romain83   Darkag  Kabeylereuf   Sareth   PainofWar   Jovan   Skio Ren   Mister_Witty   DisNapped   wanderingblindly   joniburz   Nina   Valterus   이수민   smoker_spectre   morsinette   alcori1   Nuke San   joraca666    N1ghtz   Nazralla   Overduue   Yunobeat   MALNSFRIED   Griloc   XANTI   kuboss123   DrDoot

Hitless Rules for Dark Souls iii

General Rules
  • A hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger to the player caused by an enemy or trap. 
  • Environmental damage caused by static features such as lava, water, swamp, spikes, campfires do not count as a hit.
  • While fall damage does not count as a hit, a death from falling does.
  • Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a perfect parry/deflect does not.
  • Major glitches are not allowed, you can find a list of all banned glitches for Dark Souls III here.
  • Minor glitches or sequence breaking events that are allowed for Dark Souls III can be found here.
  • Quitouts are not allowed, except:
    * when in Firelink Shrine or after resting at bonfires. You may quit out after killing a NPC to acquire their items as long as no enemies are aggroed (e.g. making Siegward or Sword Master fall to their death to acquire their weapons)
    * when lizards despawn if no enemies are aggroed and no other benefit is gained from the quitout besides respawning the missed lizard, e.g. positional or timing advantages;
    * when falling through the map due to a glitch (eg. entering invisible walls and then falling through the floor) or stuck in an infinite fall animation as long as no other benefit is gained from the quitout e.g. positional, timing, or weapon pickup advantages

  • Summon other players is forbidden, but NPC summons are allowed.
  • Killing bosses/ads from outside of the boss arena is forbidden.

Specific Rules for Dark Souls III

  • Undead Hunter’s Charms are not a hit
  • Vow of Silence is not a hit
  • Jailer’s HP Drain is a hit
  • The game must be set to offline
    • It is encouraged to also set Steam to ‘Offline’ mode (if on PC). This will allow you to avoid certain NPC invasions
  • Beating Cinder (victory message + souls) is required to complete a run, but other category specific requirements may need to be met in order to complete a run in certain categories. You can link the flame at any point in the run.
  • All patches are allowed.
  • For X Only runs, e.g. Weapon X Only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the X Only Restriction, fists and consumables. For Magic Only runs, e.g. Sorcery Only, Pyro Only, catalyst/chime/glove melees are allowed in addition to the previous restrictions.
  • For miracle only runs you can use the starting Mace non upgraded until you get the Lightning Spear (the first available damaging miracle spell) in Farron Keep. You have to obtain the spell as early as possible (can kill only Gundyr and Vordt from the bosses with the Mace).

Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:

  • Max SL125 at the start, with less remaining souls which are required for the next level. Can level up normally after.
  • Max 99 per each consumables at the start, but those can’t be soul items.
  • Can have any accessible items/weapons from NG.
  • Can’t use the carried over equipment to sell for extra levels.
  • Must show inventory at the start of the run.

HUD Rules for Dark Souls iii

To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements marked in red. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.

  • HP/FP/Stamina
  • Weapon/Shield/Spell Slot
  • Consumable Name/Count
  • Boss damage
  • Soul count

The following yellow marked HUD elements should ideally be visible (but not mandatory):

  • Equip load
  • Boss bar

Submit a Run

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Verifier for Dark Souls III













