Any %
Beat the game and reach the end credits.
Beat the game and obtain 100% completion.
DLC Cold Cold Heart
Beat the Cold Cold Heart DLC.
All Challenges
Beat all challenges (per character) back to back.
Hitless Rules for Batman: Arkham Origins
General Rules
- Runs for the categories Any%, 100% and DLC Cold Cold Heart must be completed on a fresh save file.
- Difficulty level must be set to Normal or above.
- Any instance of damage dealt by an enemy is a hit (both melee and bullets).
- Enemies falling on the character’s head count as hits but not damage.
- Touching an electric wall is a hit, but not damage.
- Bane smashing the ground at the end of the hotel fight is neither a hit nor damage.
- TN-1 Bane hitting you after the stealth section is scripted, and therefore not considered a hit nor damage.
- The staggers Copperhead deals while creating new copies are scripted, and therefore not considered a hit nor damage.
- Touching fire that comes up from the ground in the Firefly encounter is both a hit and damage.
- Failing the Firefly quick time event is considered both a hit and damage.
- Getting hit by Joker’s turret is considered both a hit and damage.
- Touching boiling gas or boiling water are both considered as hits and damage.
- Getting hit by any ice weapon is considered both a hit and damage.
- First appearance of an ice weapon in the cutscene is not a hit nor damage.
- The mandatory freeze while deactivating the control panel in the Mr. Freeze bossfight is scripted, and therefore not considered as a hit nor damage.
- Boyle freezing Batman is not considered a hit nor damage.
- Mission failures are considered both hits and damage.
HUD Rules for Batman Arkham: Origins
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- Health
- Experience bar

- When splitting a run, showing these items after quitting out and before resuming is mandatory:
- Main menu (completion percentage and IGT)

- Progress stats

- Experience and skills

Verifier for Batman: Arkham Origins

