Hitless Speedrun Rules for Dishonored
General Rules
- Run needs to be done according to the Team Hitless rules
- Quitouts are only allowed for the common spots according to the rules (e.g. FAP-ring in Dark Souls or Lizards in Original DeS)
- Show In-game time after the credits
- If possible show Livesplittimer or any other type of timer on the screen
- For general speedrun rules please check this page
Specific Rules for Dishonored 2
- Run time is counted as In-game time (IGT) and stops as soon as the cutscene is skiped and the credits roll.
- The usage of Macros, turbo buttons, free scroll wheels, or Cheat Engine to speed up cinematics is banned
- The usage of Livesplit mod which speed up cinematics and IGT is allowed