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Any % 

Is the standard run (with differences between No Damage / No Hit / No Hit – No Damage.


Same as Any% but Main Bosses are upgraded through the Punishment Pact (Extreme Measures lvl4)

God Only

Same as Any% but using only 1 god (you can choose other gods but not benefit from them)


PatoQuackss   BertoBrokas   SirTharin   Solrot   Luis   alse_sino   Acolytecs   MaruNotes   Potimax   Venevian   Mako   D_vito13   Arg3ntus   iorkyz   yungp0len   DanielDJMI   Wantedfire57   Piyastre   Vanya_ace   Ricard26   Karolosu   Fortyfaiv   LUCHO   chusommontero   OzoneTSH   Gromenahuer   Medela94   22_puigdemont_22   Erbuleria   Euqor97   f0v_ufjfjf   Leugitimo   AcelgaLetal33   KappaVT   Jonnpe   KumiGaoo   buzz2000   Chubsley   Rlyeian   Adrin   Luissantra   DanielloPiuBello   edergbilla   Almonzant   Inframous   Frybeat   Kuro   ShikiKitsune   RompeAire   UnholyPancake   ScratcH   MiKE   Chocolate   Zyruvias   Thorkienn   MARIO   Darkakapo   TrueLayp   Truenoscur   meTTalBit   Ivanpotato   Ghostmien   feref93   vls   Pe2lindos   Jackels13   ErLopeh   Davmelon   Shïeda   tomazingerz   Wolfang   MrZariweya   TheRada   Saya_Nk   Ayzzeta   Dishock   Rayo   CRChepe   Nenjoo   Dahalak   N3oxX   MaikolsCircus   TheiMfC   Chiri   Haelian   Nihen   Pitt.   Lapitas   Zenkerel   A1P3R   gatetnegre   DelfosXIII   Tarkonix   Pabloherresp   diegosb01   KemeKemo   Miguelzauma   Apaxerot   Brr1   ZALOLO   Nitrostarch   XertzN   SrChundalero   Lightstream   ERNYFRAN   Pedro B   ManuG   Alex92tcordobes   VistorofAstora   Cegoco11   Hemkesa   B2CLazza   Yashaou   Kelssiier   Lilkoolaidtv   wawly   Gary_Asher   Doomstorm   Legzone   Juicygibs   OhMiOon   Gon_UT   Egolessboy   daruma013   RuddyCub   louder1004   kyleanderror13

Hitless Rules for Hades

General Rules

-You MUST show the in-game timer -the one set via options- during your run.

-A HIT is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.

-Blocking an enemy counts as a HIT.

-Major glitches are not ALLOWED (Shadows AI Glitch, Sage Skip, etc.).

-Sequence breaking events are not ALLOWED.

-Minor glitches are ALLOWED (Air roll fall damage cancel, animation cancel, etc.).

Mods that affect the run’s gameplay such as changing the RNG of boons or chamber rewards are not allowed.


-Show the previous run’s death (or a run completion with the death) at the start of the video.

Specific Rules For Hades:

Hitless Rules
– No deflect boons. This means you cannot use boons with the deflect mechanic from Athena. However, you’re allowed to pick one if you never activate its effect.
– No dodge chance (dodge%). This includes boons from Hermes, Zagreus keepsakes (Lambent Plume) or Ruthless Reflex skill available in the Mirror of Night.
– No damage nullifiers. Examples would be the Evergreen Acorn keepsake or blocking with the Shield of Chaos.
– No invulnerable calls. Specifically the ones provided by Ares, Athena and Poseidon.
– Taking damage from traps or lava is a hit; taking damage from Chaos gates is not a hit. Since you’re entering Chaos gates by your own account and the damage is not dealt by an actual enemy, it will not be considered a hit.
– Some Chaos boons have specific curses that will cause you to get hit, and as such, triggering them will result in an invalid run.
You should be aware of the following curses:
– Maimed: For the next 3–4 encounters, each time you Attack, get hit for 3–5 Health.
– Flayed: For the next 3–4 encounters, each time you Special, get hit for 3–5 Health.
– Addled: For the next 3–4 encounters, each time you Cast, get hit for 3–5 Health.
You’re allowed to take these boons as long as you never trigger their curse effect.
The Atrophic curse (which causes your life total to be reduced for 3-4 encounters) is not considered a hit.
Price of Midas, much like Chaos gates, is not considered a hit.
– Staggers out of combat are not a hit.

Damageless Rules
– Deflect boons, dodge% boons, damage nullifiers and invulnerable calls are allowed.
– Anything that makes you lose health will end your run – that includes Chaos gates and Price of Midas.

Hitless & Damageless Rules
– All of the Hitless & Damageless rules apply.

HUD Rules for Hades

To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.

  • Boons
  • Health
  • In-Game Timer
  • Miscellaneous

Submit a Run

You finished your first Hitless Run in Hades? Click on the “Submit” button for more information to get into the team!

Verifier for Hades





