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Beat the game on Normal Difficulty on any scenario without taking any damage.

Hard Any%

Beat the game on Hard/Nightmare Difficulty on any scenario without taking any damage.

True Ending

Beat the game on Normal or Hard/Nightmare Difficulty starting Claire A then Leon B or Leon A then Claire B.

All Scenarios

Beat all scenarios back to back on Normal or Hard/Nightmare difficulty, in any order.

Extra Modes

Beat The 4th Survivor, The Tofu Survivor or Extreme Battle without taking any damage.

All Scenarios

Rules for Resident Evil 2 Classic

General Rules

– Runs have to be NO DAMAGE.
– Runs must START from the main menu or scenario choice screen.
– You may make saves in the event of a crash but ONLY if the run is streamed.
– Only the creation of saves in the game itself is ALLOWED, the external use of programs (trainers, debug menu) is NOT ALLOWED.
– To enter the Resident Evil leaderboards, please read the SPECIFIC RULES on the following page. click here
– Run done offstream MUST BE single segment (No Saves at all).
– Major Glitches ARE FORBIDDEN.
– Out of bounds IS FORBIDDEN.
– Only skin mods ARE ALLOWED.
– Results screen at the end of the credits will be required in the video, as it’s where the saves and in-game time is finally shown.
– Using SRT tool is allowed and helps the verifiers checking your run.
– If SRT it‘s not being used to show HP or playing on console, if you take a potentially damaging stun, open inventory to show HP.

Specific Rules:

– Quick shot tech is ALLOWED.
– Runs on the PC Version of the game are ALLOWED.
– Runs on Original Consoles (PS, GCN, DC, N64, etc.) are ALLOWED.
– For Emulator runs is ALLOWED Duckstation and Dolphin.
– Getting grab by the arms in the first section of the RPD (Hallway first floor West Side) DOES NOT COUNT as damage.
– Getting grab by the roaches in the sewers section DOES NOT COUNT as damage but they can insta kill you if multiple grab you.
– For the section with partner (Claire with Sherry/Leon with Ada) if the partner got damaged, this DOES NOT INVALIDATE the run since you only have control of the main character.
– Hard/Nightmare Difficulty are exclusively for PC and DreamCast Versions of the game.
– Enable “Quick Turn”, “Tactical Reload” and “Force Auto Aim” for the PC version of the game it’s NOT ALLOWED. Click here for more info.
– Extreme Battle from extra modes can be done on Level 1, 2 or 3 with any character.
– NG+ weapons are allowed but it should be specified in the submission.
– Both Extra modes and NG+ runs are not valid to officially join the team, but team members can submit these runs for the website.
– For the Kill All runs you can read here a detailed list of all the enemies: Leon AClaire A
– For Kill All Bosses: Beat the game Scenario A and B killing every boss and MR. X encounter.

Submit a Run

You finished your first No Damage Run in Resident Evil 2 Classic? Click on the “Submit” button for more information to get into the team!

Verifier for Resident Evil 2













