Defeat the bosses that are required to trigger an ending.
All Great Runes
Defeat the bosses required to trigger an ending, as well as all bosses that provide a Great Rune. Miquella’s Great Rune is not included.
All Main Game Remembrances
Defeat all bosses that drop a Remembrance. Excludes bosses from the DLC.
All Main Game Bosses
Defeat all bosses that exist in the game. Excludes bosses from the DLC.
BushidoYu GinoMachino a_k_z7 backflippius ritual___ Seki kabeylereuf dinossindgeil Bushy Chiinse Ainrun Corbekun Duuruk Droteer Catalists HemlocksVirtue DJCarmichael Ramonchi_5 Ersnt onismm Corazza Baryon23 BenderzGreat croacx Sir_Harmony shilkey10 ashenogre BanjoTheUncle klampscast TyranosaurusBrett folanRK rafamellopes LankSSBM YeetsMeMario hollownewb Rapho Pharem Sassasallalla23 oppai ArhamSAA OldKingdomCrisp DandyJordan PouringRayn Kali_Tay Puppery monchur0 Recycle thenewbladerunner Markish_00 wanderingblindly Lightstream NuclearPastaTom jeffbriant DeadandDoom KemeKemo Gordychou Lamiche Mister_Witty Captain_Domo Cikesss WoodIsMetal TheSillyMuffin AnderBeamo xWILDxBABOONx Kyo DomenicoBraSaS kelabukelala Hyakujin Phetri Asher Kogami Carletto0809 mastergecko2 blueberrybrioche mcswoozie ElShowcake Brett Burrington Yggdrazzil Nosk7 RICAR TheRada AzaZ 7longbingbong Mcmuffnz DaAs25 ElaDiDu exzerothree MiniBeefBoy Morethna Owarida SovereignsGreed kaibiv Zhetas Exeld Jensomatic KidNamedFinger LokMae daniellopiubello Ayzzeta ShadowAhiru smoker_spectre Lecentz g0ldstripes Kallen2g BortJr_ Zott_ felitrin BigChicken MrPedroIV aDonutIRL MeepForSpeed Ronjahaha BinTobey MiyuValkyrie Catarino_Jovial Jorhman JotaaVII Slash15_ Yisusstat Sobo Munfler Cronys02 SiziX Dangreva Kraznan qqrz997 DiegoOfLoyce AvegaX jtayre ErlisEcke DrDoot difference CerumenJohnson Mustafa1790x mnrt Forsa zRune luizbinario DedosMagicosMetal Neveremind Ki11ahB Darkag PatataSexy123 Squirrel Fjöll majobber Quinn1902 Lefteris_K Jamlmzt GrandFamorian Monshou no Nazo PicoBrained enfrax ThanklessWork egg MidmanV Guracho Marhony KappaVT Pokey Youwy skinnylegend95 Pt4m -Xander- teal Conduktor Hellfire753 Kaniac mmcamel N Annara Ghostukun CiabattaChampion Yashaou ADeadlyHobo The_Shirou Blarrix PainofWar Bunkins25 Federico Gonzalez Sirhaddock cizuss Bobvabi1 Aevee Frybeat alex_killinet 950PLN MeMadeFox Haosfortum trus0und 냐하 Makeoutrose Lesval Seventhheaven schneky soppycs Glance Peretz Rhaltzar Megu_fan mastapeet Schnozzer CyEngine BrandyB Mash Haka iSPYLEXX joniburz jthehelmet Decis1ONn luka_dubs DANIELSM864 NumaNuma_Ei masterbratac1v9 dain_sounds KynderSlime Degree Moumouke pharmacydoc2018 RevenantAria xellyeo zReaper59 DarkittyVT PapaBeezy The_Gaba_Ghoul AdalMr xJotade OVO Chris TotoTriceps Leunam Ryzing jay yaj mason582 MALNSFRIED Kaddrus DandyDerfDude Father_of_Kos Griloc qcom ErrSousa Locopc Caldeiro Demogice Sirigath Cursedwind Montybale Patavodka Aldosa_ BeyondTheHope BanjoBunny Nazralla Chris Chrass IKriittiikk Galvarn_ HooZher NotButler_ Burito joraca666 Van DogFace ilKhalEl nefastito whydaeri LilFortniteBush MouseInATutu Eyartael Matenis Tamae Cyborg Ryuunosuke Udon saiiimm KoenigOne Vicvim Meteoro8509 vueko bububububu Mansovio13 Iksley AdvancingThePlot DnCholo Edric27 Igorchwan AurelienTSR BufandaDel Romain83 Aghiad360 EmberMTZ Marshaal Envyon ERNYFRAN WayOfLoci pippe125 MicolashTV Omil ProfOrProf Verse Nandilio Aaurie elmancosincapa Crumbleton Quity N3V3RM1NE Nayti TheSacredWalrus Federico Aguilera Kabeylereuf AndyAlquimista IsacGor PetePeterson JamieThrows Primudeus Wolfang Vagabundos STABOUUUU 이수민 Romain Jacques Ratziel Lied Yuroaep de_mona Mischievouz Jovan ThisbetheDave hardboiledbug Charbel Jeanpooll FalconRaven Ampos Mannarage Senku flissfloss86 Raketenkult Dyrax Pjonezy Zain general_ll30nn DanYelAK47 LelvoBen aRandomGuyDudeFellow Avari GonnaKillua Hugolink Yopherie EdenIssue wawly Nuke San Evergreen_Monster El_Reka hanting99 TaticaDS Mili__83 yamilostsoul NathanielNech Chilly Womystic kuboss123 SeljuzGaming BDBrian Rejjz ZephyrPlaysPC soulsenjoyer420 LuWinKre magnyco Cloaakrog Suprnovaz iStefaan Porge Fred silenc333 Loren p0lynom1al xVoodooo thecycle47 Klemtony Leech1208 O8eiosSam Mydlo miroxdx Pixel_conquete Darkcider Meta mqxewww kelpTV Eric Slaunwhite Browny It_Was_Me_roDiOn akkoro PhoebeParryQueen Zaron scamp_420 Aytra Axx DaichiLaDaichi SeaJayFailin fanexpressds John Hack annie44 Jens Rechtien hobo_mobo_chobo Azsa-Ōji Beruno_16 Valterus SifuWolfu Nesis ArcherThe elxandro uness Olsnn Waldebie Bnr Juhozzy HiImMike FAFA Tarnak Raydans MasterAssassin FlipaTulipa
All Great Runes
BushidoYu Chiinse Droteer a_k_z7 Ramonchi_5 Ainrun NuclearPastaTom wanderingblindly LankSSBM Lecentz shilkey10 BanjoTheUncle exzerothree g0ldstripes PatataSexy123 PicoBrained TheRada MiniBeefBoy Haosfortum Sirhaddock Marhony AvegaX AzaZ DrDoot Megu_Fan Cronys02 qcom rafamellopes Mister_Witty iSPYLEXX smoker_spectre NathanielNech
All Main Game Remembrances
BushidoYu BanjoTheUncle Seki ainrun a_k_z7 oppai wanderingblindly Mister_Witty DeadandDoom monchur0 backflippius Recycle shilkey10 Caldermane AzaZ Puppery LankSSBM YohRen Gordychou MidmanV exzerothree 냐하 Kogami Mustafa1790x MiniBeefBoy smoker_spectre Fjöll g0ldstripes AvegaX Cronys02 Megu fan TheRada KynderSlime Yopherie Cikesss Sobo Haosfortum Blackhaze231 AdalMr
All Main Game Bosses
Start the game with a new character and defeat to get the DLC ending. Rules for “No Main Game” variant are listed below.
All DLC Remembrances
Start the game with a new character and defeat all bosses that drop a Remembrance in the DLC. Rules for “No Main Game” variant are listed below.
All DLC Legends, Demigods & Gods
Start the game with a new character and defeat all Legend, Demigod and God bosses in the DLC. This consists of all bosses that drop a Remembrance in the DLC plus . Rules for “No Main Game” variant are listed below.
All DLC Bosses
Start the game with a new character and defeat all bosses that exist in the DLC. Rules for “No Main Game” variant are listed below.
All DLC Remembrances
All DLC Legends, Demigods & Gods
All DLC Bosses
All Remembrances
Defeat all bosses that drop a Remembrance.
All Legends, Demigods & Gods
Defeat all Legend, Demigod and God bosses in the game. This consists of all bosses that drop a Remembrance plus .
All Bosses
Defeat all bosses that exist in the game.
Hitless Rules
- A hit is defined by a loss of health and/or stagger caused by an enemy.
- Hits from player triggered traps count.
- Environmental damage caused by static features as lava, water, swamp, spikes, campfires do not count as a hit.
- Fall damage does not count as a hit, but a death from falling does.
- Blocking an enemy counts as a hit, but a perfect parry does not.
- Quit-outs are generally not allowed, except when in the main hub or after sitting down at a grace.
- Summon Ashes and NPC summons are allowed. Player summons are not allowed.
- Killing bosses/ads from outside of the arena is forbidden.
Hitless Rules for Elden Ring
General Rules:
- Downpatching is fine.
- If you’ve gotten a run over multiple patches in a certain category, only one of those runs will make it onto the site. Do not try and submit the “same” run across multiple patches.
- ERTool is allowed for stutter fix and avoiding achievement bug/freezing only. Any other ERTool functionality usage will result in runs being rejected.
- Remove Erdtree Mod is allowed for FPS/lag considerations.
- Quitouts are generally not allowed besides the following exceptions:
- If you are taking a break, quit out inside Roundtable or immediately after resting at a grace, the game should always be visible on the BRB screen.
- Quest progression reloads (must open map to prove you are not in combat)
- When falling through the map or stuck in an infinite fall animation due to a glitch.
- Player must show IGT after loading back into the game.
- You do not have to fight Grafted Scion.
- Getting hit by lightning in the overworld that is not caused by an enemy is not a hit.
- If your horse takes damage from an enemy, but the player does not stagger or take damage, this is a hit.
- If you accidentally set-up Pegasus glitch, you need to quit-out and make sure your horse is no longer floating.
- If Torrent dies from a fall, but you survive, this is considered self-inflicted fall damage, and thus is not a hit.
- If you get soft-locked on an invisible Torrent (i.e. stuck in place), you may quit-out and come back into your save file.
- Mohg’s transition damage is considered scripted and is thus not a hit (it also doesn’t count for damageless).
- Full list of banned Glitches and Skips
- Full list of banned boss AI interactions
- The tick damage from the Frenzy Flame Tower (North-East Liurnia) is a hit.
- Spontaneous Guarding attacks using the Deflecting Hardtear is allowed with the following conditions:
- You must timely press the guard button so there is no physical damage, as well as no stagger due to being launched, knocked down, or having your Stamina fully depleted.
- Guarding with 100 physical damage negations Shields and missing the timing for a Spontaneous Guard will result in a hit.
- Spontaneous Guarding attacks that incur non-physical damage is a hit.
- It is highly advised to have clear and distinguishable game audio while using Spontaneous Guards to ensure a smooth verification process.
Specific Rules for Damageless:
- Items, consumables, talismans, armor, spells, etc. which boosts players HP temporarily (or while wearing) and then goes back to initial HP (eg. Godrick’s Great Rune, Radagon’s Soreseal, etc.) are not considered as damage and are allowed.
- The 5% HP reduction that occurs when doing Fia’s Quest (after receiving Baldachin’s Blessing) is not avoidable therefore it doesn’t count as damage.
- All other cases of lowering HP outside of the above two points are considered instances of damage.
Specific Rules for Non Fresh Start NG+ Runs:
- No Runes carried over from NG, including rune count and rune-gain items.
- Max starting level is 125, can level up in NG+ like normal.
- Not valid for team entry or World’s First.
Specific Rules for DLC No Main Game Runs:
- No Runes carried over from base game, including rune count and rune-gain items.
- Max starting level is 125, can level up in the DLC like normal.
- No DLC items/weapons allowed at the start of the run.
- Not valid for team entry or World’s First.
Specific Rules for “X” Only Runs:
- For X Only runs, e.g. Weapon X Only, attacking and/or damaging enemies is only allowed with the X Only Restriction, fists and consumables. For Magic Only runs, e.g. Sorcery Only, Incant Only, staff/seal melees are allowed in addition to the previous restrictions.
- You may use other weapons for supporting Ashes of War (Example: Golden Vow, Bloodhound‘s Step, Parry, etc.) but not for Ashes of War that deal damage to enemies in any way (Example: Carian Retaliation, Glintblade Phalanx, etc.).
- If your X Only is not immediately accessible, in addition to fists and consumables, the use of a +0 starting class weapon is allowed only for bosses mandatory to acquiring your X Only or for killing/farming the enemy that drops it.
- The usage of certain bullet/ranged weapon arts is restricted for X Only runs. Please make sure to check the List of Allowed and Banned Weapon Arts for Weapon Only Runs before routing. These restrictions apply to both X Only and +0 starting class weapon.
- Killing Grafted Scion at the beginning of the run with the Starting Class Weapon is allowed.
- The usage of a +0 Serpent Hunter to kill Rykard is allowed for runs where he is mandatory (i.e. All Great Runes, Any% Blasphemous Blade Only, etc.).
- Non-enemy objects that require an attack to interact with them such as the spirit turtles, balloons, fire pillars, mausoleums and illusory walls are exceptions to the X Only restriction therefore any source of damage can be used for them. However, other non-enemy entities like wildlife and friendly NPCs are not an exceptions.
HUD Rules for Elden Ring
To ensure a smooth verification process by our verifiers, we recommend not covering the following HUD elements. This is particularly important to help the verifier when there is an ambiguous situation, especially during boss fights.
- HP/FP/Stamina/Buffs (Note that if you have a lot of buffs it can be two lines of buffs and that has to be visible as well)
- Items Count (Including the pouch)
- Boss Damage Counter
- Rune Count (Can also create an OBS element to change its location)
- Great Rune Buff & Icon
- Runes Recieved
- Boss HP Bar
- Equipment

Verifier for Elden Ring














