Team Hitless
A No Hit/Hitless run involves completing a game without taking a hit from an enemy or trap. In order to join team Hitless on Twitch, you must complete a hitless or a damageless run in one of the supported games by Team Hitless.
What is a No-Hit Run?
A No-Hit Run is completing a game from start to finish without taking any hits. There are a number of different categories based on how much content in the game has been completed; this usually includes: Any% (minimum requirement for beating the game), All Vanilla Bosses (main game), All Bosses (with DLCs) and other (depending on the game). These runs are generally done without the use of quitouts and major skips/glitches (deathcams/out of bounds).
What is a Hit?
A Hit is classified as a loss of health or a stagger caused by an enemy or trap. This includes attacks from enemies that deal no damage and also status effects, such as poison, that triggers on the player as a result of an enemy attack.
What is a No-Damage Run?
A No-Damage Run is completing a game from start to finish without taking any damage. There are a number of different categories based on how much content in the game has been completed usually based on the difficulty of the game; this includes for example: Any% (minimum requirement for beating the game), Hardcore (beating the game on the highest difficulty of RE2 REmake), or Real Survivor Mode (beating RE1R on this mode). These runs are done without the use of quitouts and major skips/glitches (deathcams/out of bounds).
What is Damage?
Damage is classified as any loss of health, including environment damage, fall damage, etc. This includes attacks from enemies that deal damage and also status effects, such as poison, that triggers on the player as a result of an enemy attack or trap. Do not get confused with a No Hit Run as it is very different (ex. on a No Damage Run staggers doesn’t matter unless it deals damage).